Okay, I had to show you this wrapping paper I bought from a school fundraiser. Don't you love it. There is an Airstream, VW Bug, old truck and a woodie car. 
Here's my Mabel with her favorite book. She was with me at a craft fair when she saw this. She wanted to buy it then but Grammy already bought her something. So afterwards I tracked the lady down and got it for her. She was so excited. Her favorite gift. (Yes, my sofa zippers are showing. Cushions needed flipped, sorry)
Now, if you saw the earlier post with us in the noses......the kids were so excited giving us these. Mabel actually was shaking waiting on me to unwrap this. Ever since I took them to the Clown Academy performance, they are in love with anything to do with clowns. Mabel has on her locket.
Her brother with Grampy's nose.
We aren't done with Christmas just yet. Our daughter arrives tomorrow evening with her children. So there will be more unwrapping and celebrating. We also have Hubby's birthday Sunday and Mabel's on New Years Eve. My decorations will stay up for awhile. My daughter hasn't been here for Christmas in years.....at least 8 years maybe more.
On Christmas Day we were on the road. But before we left home we exchanged stocking. We thought we would change things up this year. It was fun.....and we will do it again. So much easier and creative. We went to brunch at our son and DIL's. Then we drove 2 hours each way, to see our moms. Hubby's mom wasn't doing well so that visit was short. My Mom is doing well after her surgery. We got her a Nook. she is already stressing about using it. Hubby got it all set up for her. She got an I phone last year from my brother so this should be simple. We took Honey Baked Ham and potatoes for dinner. I put the potatoes on a pan with the plastic wrap on the top. That's what the directions said. I left my Mom in the kitchen and when she went to put it in the oven she asked if I was sure the wrap stayed on. Then she said she was putting it on a pan before putting it in the oven. I told her I already had. Then when we discovered a major leak in one of her bathrooms, my eyes started burning. Off to the kitchen. She had put the ham that was in a ziplock in the oven. Oh my, what a mess. Hubby said that I can't leave her in the kitchen alone. From her house we stopped by our other son and DIL's home. They had 25 guests from her side of the family. So finally got home to let the doggies out. It has been a fun few days with much more to look forward to. I hope all of you were blessed in some way this holiday. I know many are struggling in some way or another. I wish all of you some "JOY".