I can't believe that I am posting this picture. Yes, I am knee deep in the snow. The day after Colorado had 10 1/2 inches. I knelt down and then I couldn't get back up. We were making faces. Mine is pretty bad, but I was having fun. It snowed everyday including the morning I left.....and guess what it is snowing here in Ohio today. I am still not bouncing back. It takes me awhile to get over the "goodbyes" and to re-adjust. I will get back in the groove. For the time being, it's just good being with Mr. Cozy and the doggies.
This is the last day to sign up for the swap. If you need more information check the past blog posts. If you need more information, leave a message on this post and I will get back to you. If your name is not on this list, just leave a message. I hope that I have every one's name. What a great sign-up. This will make a great banner.....yippee. I can't wait. You have two weeks ladies to create and mail. I have been thinking and ready to start mine. Good luck. (More trip pictures and stories, later)
Spring Bunny Swap (Doesn't have to be a bunny honey)
1. Carol ( Art and Sand)
2. Michelle ( The Tattered Quilt Cottage)
3. Ashley ( The Tattered Quilt Cottage)
4. Holly (Cotton Pickin Fun)
5. Penny ( The English Valley)
6. Lynn ( Life on the Weinie Ranch)
7. Sandie ( Retro Sandie)
8. Chris ( Little Creation)
9. Jacqueline ( Once upon a fairyland)
10. Kimberly (A vintage fairy)
11. Linda (Lutka and Co.)
12. Jane (Aralia Jane)
13. Louise (Sew sew bz)
14. Genie Robinson (Climbing the digital Mountain)
15. Nan (Retired in Alaska)
I have a couple others that were on the fence, so to speak, that I will contact . But here is the list. Most are repeats from the Valentines Swap.......so that should show you that we are awesome....he he.
Thanks for signing up.
Grammy.....ooops Debby......trying to adjust.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Snow Boots or Flip Flops
I am headed to Colorado later today. My flight is this afternoon. Usually it is the first thing in the morning. Good thing it isn't today because, I can't find my wheely suitcase. Yikes. Since I don't want to pay the baggage fee, I may be in trouble. Next trip to the washer and dryer I will look once again in we level. Are you like me......always waiting on the laundry to be done before you can pack. My daughter thought it would be warm this week but the weather map doesn't look like that. So, boots and a winter coat and some warm clothes. The weather doesn't matter.......just getting to see my kids and grandkids is what matters. I am excited.
I will still be checking up on all of you by way of my Kindle. So you can still sign up for the swap.
Okay a couple of random things. Have you ever been in a sports bar.....any place that serves food with a TV. There is a game on the TV and the men shout out four letter words. I was thinking. if you or I did that what would they think. First there would be silence, then they probably would think we had tourettes.
Today is the second anniversary of my dear cousin's death to H1N1. So sad. I really miss her. So glad to have the memories and things to remind me of her. This has been a bad year for illness. So many sick.
I will still be checking up on all of you by way of my Kindle. So you can still sign up for the swap.
Okay a couple of random things. Have you ever been in a sports bar.....any place that serves food with a TV. There is a game on the TV and the men shout out four letter words. I was thinking. if you or I did that what would they think. First there would be silence, then they probably would think we had tourettes.
Today is the second anniversary of my dear cousin's death to H1N1. So sad. I really miss her. So glad to have the memories and things to remind me of her. This has been a bad year for illness. So many sick.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Sign up for the Spring/Bunny Swap
Sign up on this post (or my last post) by 2/28/13.
You will need to make 5 small items (the size of the palm of your hand or smaller)This time one of the items will be for you.
Any item that reminds you of SPRING
No holes for attaching ribbons as I will put the items in a banner for you (unless you want to do it yourself)
I will need your blog address and your email address and your mailing address.
Mail date will be March 15, 2013.
My address is:
Debby Messner
158 Spruce Drive
Granville, Ohio 43023
Remember that I have a crazy email reply button that changes my email address. Please correspond through my blog.
You can make your item out of yarn, pom pom, paper (make it dimensional), Styrofoam, almost anything as long as it isn't too heavy. If it is too heavy it may weigh down the banner.
Please mail $5.00 to cover the return postage.
Please tag your item so that others will know that you made it.
It can be something simple. If you aren't crafty, find someone that is and buy or barter with them.
This bunny is not in the swap, hah......he's kinda big and complicated.
I hope these instructions are a little clearer than the last post. Any questions, please ask. The heart swap was so much fun, this can be as well.
You will need to make 5 small items (the size of the palm of your hand or smaller)This time one of the items will be for you.
Any item that reminds you of SPRING
No holes for attaching ribbons as I will put the items in a banner for you (unless you want to do it yourself)
I will need your blog address and your email address and your mailing address.
Mail date will be March 15, 2013.
My address is:
Debby Messner
158 Spruce Drive
Granville, Ohio 43023
Remember that I have a crazy email reply button that changes my email address. Please correspond through my blog.
You can make your item out of yarn, pom pom, paper (make it dimensional), Styrofoam, almost anything as long as it isn't too heavy. If it is too heavy it may weigh down the banner.
Please mail $5.00 to cover the return postage.
Please tag your item so that others will know that you made it.
It can be something simple. If you aren't crafty, find someone that is and buy or barter with them.
This bunny is not in the swap, hah......he's kinda big and complicated.
I hope these instructions are a little clearer than the last post. Any questions, please ask. The heart swap was so much fun, this can be as well.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Ready to do the BUNNY HOP
Are you over the hearts and ready to hop into Spring. Several have said they were interested in a Bunny Swap. I wanted to wait til Valentines was over. I also wanted to wait til 521 Lake Street finalized what she was doing for her Easter Swap. She is doing spoolies. It's not to late to sign up for her swap. I signed up. I think it will be a challenge.
Oh, back to my swap. I think everyone liked getting several hearts back in the mail. Out of 14 packages sent back only one got lost.....sorry Carol, it had to be you. But Carol got a replacement package in time for Valentines. Okay here we go .
The rules will be similar.
Everyone will make five items. If you want one for yourself, make one but keep it at home. You will receive five items back in the mail.
I am using this sweet bunny for an example. It was tucked into a heart from Cotton Pickin Fun. It is tiny. You can make a bunny, chicken, duck, , flower, anything Spring (non-religious) . Spring not Easter. The size must be able to fit in the palm of your hand. This bunny is quite smaller than that but it would work.
Do not put holes or ribbons on them like you would for ornaments........because your items will be made into a banner.
You can make your item out of paper, pom poms, felt, wool, material, anything somewhat light weight. Not too heavy or it would weigh down the banner. Probably not clay.
If you prefer to make your own banner just tell me and I will send you the ribbon to do so yourself.
The mailing fee will stay at $5. I will use a mailing box if items are fragile, if not a bubble mailing package like the last time. Yes, I had a little money left over.
I do need for you to tag your items so that others know where they came from. Please.
Please mail your cuties to me March 15th. The earlier the better so I can return them to you. This time you have to get them to me in time.
The last day to sign up will be Feb. 28th.
Not crafty......find someone that is and purchase their items, just not store made items.
Okay, sorry I have to do this. Because my email reply is messed up please be a follower. Communicate through my blog or by Facebook (Debby Messner) Here is my address:
Debby Messner
158 Spruce Drive
Granville, Ohio 43023
Please sign up on this post.
Won't this be fun.
Looking forward to lots of you signing up. If you would like to make 10 let me know. Hopping you will sign up. Two changes..........no easter items, let's make this a spring swap.....then we can keep using it after Easter...,...mailing date extending til March 15.
Please include either your email address or your blog address.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Find somebody to love
Monday, February 11, 2013
Love is in the air/Dancing with wolves/Goodies
Warning, lots of randon pictures. Doodle and her daddy going to their Hawaiian Father and daughter DANCE. I get to watch these guys as Doodle's mom is in charge of putting the dance together. So cute and so busy. The oldest one, 2, loves to watch UTube videos on how to make brownies and Cake pops and Obama getting sworn in. (His Dad is a Republican, hah) I got to spend the night. On the way home I took this picture for BRENDA. She had her hoop art published in the new Broadway and Thresher online magazine from Granville, Ohio, where I live.
Sunday we were invited to a friends for dinner. This is their wolf/dog. They went to Canada that used to breed these dogs. Only a few were bred. His name is Captain Jack. He has very little dog in him. Isn' he beautiful. He is very shy. He wanted to come see my husband but just couldn't do it. Do you notice anythig different about him.
I got a Kindle Fire HD for Christmas. They sold my hubby the case for the wrong size. I was taking it back anyway because it was $60, way too much. I ordered a case from Amazon. It came, didn't fit and it was only a top, cover, one side. I needed something to put it in to carry it. I got this larger cosmetic bag for Christmas (31 Gifts). It has a zippered side and has padding. The Kindle fits in the zippered side. I can put the cord and charger in the other side. It works great. I sure don't need it for makeup.
If there are errors, I'm sorry. I am afraid to correct with the keyboard acting all crazy. I think I covered all things in the title. Hoping all my friends on the East Coast are okay and getting their power back on. That was lot of snow. Love snow but also love being warm. Hope you are all well.Have a good week.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
A beating heart
I thought we could all use an UPBEAT post.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Follow Your Heart
Are you getting tired of seeing all these sweet hearts. I hope not. I have to re check and make sure I have shown you all of the hearts. Let's see if I can get these right.
The first one is from Jacqueline from Once Upon a Fairyland
Melting Snowman Shadow Box from Chris from A Little Creation
Another beauty from Genie from Climbing the Digital Mountain
Flower Heart from Pat from All is Bright (the fabulous doll maker)
The next two photos......layered heart with charm is from Penny from At Home In English Valley.....what a presentation. So many layers that needed to be unfolded. Very beautiful.
The heart garland is from me. I punched the holes too low so I kept it. I made some garlands and I also made some little white felt hearts with a birds nest with two pearl eggs with embroidered hearts above the nest. I gave them all away so I don't have a picture. I want to make some more.
The last one is from Elisabeth of Creative Breathing. The beautiful embroidered heart,tiny details, so wonderfully done, was wrapped in a doily with the cutest little heart on a band. I wish I was better at presentation.
I will check to see if I missed any one's heart. If I do let me know, please.
Also, if you did not receive your package let me know A.S.A.P. I am waiting to hear from Carol in California to see if her hearts have made their way. I think they stopped off to enjoy some sunny weather along the way.
Day six of snow. Yes, I love it but tomorrow rain or shine, I am going out.
Please pray for Diana of Nana Takes A Break. Her brother just found out he has terminal cancer and has been given days maybe hours to live. Very sudden and very sad.
So many of us have friends and loved ones that are not doing well. We need one huge group (((((HUG))))) and alot of prayers.
Take care my bloggy friends.
The first one is from Jacqueline from Once Upon a Fairyland
Melting Snowman Shadow Box from Chris from A Little Creation
Another beauty from Genie from Climbing the Digital Mountain
Flower Heart from Pat from All is Bright (the fabulous doll maker)
The next two photos......layered heart with charm is from Penny from At Home In English Valley.....what a presentation. So many layers that needed to be unfolded. Very beautiful.
The heart garland is from me. I punched the holes too low so I kept it. I made some garlands and I also made some little white felt hearts with a birds nest with two pearl eggs with embroidered hearts above the nest. I gave them all away so I don't have a picture. I want to make some more.
The last one is from Elisabeth of Creative Breathing. The beautiful embroidered heart,tiny details, so wonderfully done, was wrapped in a doily with the cutest little heart on a band. I wish I was better at presentation.
I will check to see if I missed any one's heart. If I do let me know, please.
Also, if you did not receive your package let me know A.S.A.P. I am waiting to hear from Carol in California to see if her hearts have made their way. I think they stopped off to enjoy some sunny weather along the way.
Day six of snow. Yes, I love it but tomorrow rain or shine, I am going out.
Please pray for Diana of Nana Takes A Break. Her brother just found out he has terminal cancer and has been given days maybe hours to live. Very sudden and very sad.
So many of us have friends and loved ones that are not doing well. We need one huge group (((((HUG))))) and alot of prayers.
Take care my bloggy friends.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sharing the love
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The rest of the hearts you can read who they are from.
Yes, there is going to be a bunny swap. Yippee.
What did you think of the Super Bowl? I think we missed most of the good commercials. After the black out we decided to call it a night. I did like the taco bell commercial. I did see some great ones today. Loved the Sandy Hook choir. Can't we do something different for the half time?
It is snowing today. Nothing new, we have had snow for four days. I don't care really. But I will get out more when the roads are not slippery. Or, I will get out our old sled and give it a try just to be outside.
We have a ghost. I am convinced. we keep hearing something in the kitchen. It sounds like it is playing with dog food. Bouncing a morsel around and chasing it. Then it sounds like it is crunching up paper. (Okay, my computer mouse went out on me and I saved this not meaning to publish but it did, now I will finish) You would guess we had a mouse in the house. Well, Mr. Cozy has heard it as well. I caught the cat in the kitchen but when she walked out the noise was still going on. I turn the lights on and it stops. I walk in the kitchen and it stops. Izzy doesn't pay attention.......I don't think she hears well anymore. Piper didn't pay any attention til today. He heard it today and started shaking like crazy. Okay, it can't be that bad. No physical signs. I think we will set some traps and see what happens. Gotta be a mouse, right?
Okay, hope your week goes well for you. (I still have more hearts.......It almost Valentines Day)
Friday, February 1, 2013
Hearts from the Swap.....More to Follow/ Some Updates
This was so much fun. It really was. I already have people interested in a Bunny Swap. After Valentines Day you will hear more about that. So glad that everyone had fun with this one. You girls have some sweet talent.
Okay some updates......my DIL's mother is finished with treatments but is at the worse part in her plan. It will be like this for a couple more weeks. Then in a couple months she will have tests to see if the cancer is gone.
My friends dad has been readmitted the the hospital a couple of times since I last posted. He was recently dismissed to a rehab facility. He is having a awful time. They had said they didn't get all his cancer but haven't said what is next. He is 50.
Both of these cancer patients are terribly thin. They were under weight to start with and now it is so sad. So don't worry about a few pounds You may need them someday.
All of the baby hamsters survived and found new homes except for one and Goose used her sad eyes and got to keep one. Now they have 3 hamsters in three cages. The little one looks like a little hedge hog. He is kinda cute for a rodent.
Doodle got the scarlet fever from Goose but so far no one else. Surprising that Hope and the Baby Boys didn't get it.
My headaches.......they are better. I think the new meds are helping. The big change in temps. I think had something to do with them returning this week. Not sure if I am have some side effects from the meds but once in awhile my fingers tips are numb and my mouth and face go numb. I know, call the doctor.
I am unemployed at the moment. I'm a little sad and missing Gabby. (The little girl I was watching) Mom's new boyfriend is watching her. I wish I could say that I am getting alot done but I'm not. I will adjust and start something else.
Goose got a part in (leg) but her teeth are fixed.(other accident)
I think that's about it for now.
Oh, I have been having lots of problems with my computer.
So, more pictures soon.
Stay warm. It's really cold here and getting more snow all week-end.
Stay COZY.
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