This is how I feel. (oh, and I love this dog)
My sore throat is a cough now. This seems to be the way things go for me. I don't get colds anymore........I think because I have had so many from working with kids my entire life. Hopefully this cough will not get worse.
Last night I had to walk home from quite a distance. Our neighborhood is up a huge hill. As I walked I was breathing rather heavy and nothing seemed to be going in my lungs. I had company going up the hill.......all of my neighbors.
A couple inches of snow with a glaze of ice. Accidents were everywhere. My bug is so sweet. I was able to do a u-ie in the road. Others tried and went into the ditch. I was able to turn around and go another route that most wouldn't have tried. I got close to my home but ambulances blocked our entrance. It took me an hour to drive home from work........3 miles away. My Hubby drives 45 minutes and it took him 3 hours. We were able to go get my car when he got home.
I didn't go to work this morning. Our school had a delay but our program still was open. I will go this afternoon. I plan on restocking my pantry and staying in all week-end and RESTING.
Maybe I will get some projects started so I will be able to post something other than my doggies.
Speaking of doggies........someone lost their little dog. They posted signs everywhere. The whole town was talking about the signs. Then last week-end we got an automative (is that a word) call reporting the lost dog and the contact number. Have you ever heard of that. Well guess what......signs posted yesterday said they found their dog. I had wished I had my camera to take a picture of the sign to blog about it. See what blogging does.....sure makes you think about things differently.
Be careful out there.........yes, I still love the snow.