Now a year and a half ago along came Baby B. He wanted nothing to do with Nanny. He even turned his head and sometimes cried. Doodle's family thought it was so funy that he didn't like Nanny since I was so loved by Doodle. They would say, "Oh no you have to like Nanny." Well yesterday Baby B. decided he liked me. Mom stepped out to get some groceries. Baby B. has been crying lately for everyone except his Mom and Dad. I feared what would happen. He decided he really liked my straw.....then my cup of iced tea. So I went with it. I dumped the teat out and just put ice cubes in the cup with the lid on. He loved it. He played with it for a long time. Doodle wanted me to see something on her computer. So we went into the office. When she was done, she said she was going to call her cousin on Skype. Well she did. Do you know where her cousin was.....In the Ukraine. She was there visiting her grandparents. It was so much fun. I knew Doodles Aunt but I got to meet her aunt's family. Now how cool is that.
Back to the cup, hah.

Check out his lashes.

By the time Baby B.'s Mom came back he was my buddy. He even tried to push Doodle over (twice) so he could sit next to me. He gave me kisses. Oh this Nanny is so happy that he finally likes me. Yeah.

Oh, Doodle and I filled her treat bags for her birthday party next week. I am always invited to her kid parties. So funny. She always wants me to sit by her. I know one of these days she will outgrow me. I told her once when I was picking her up from school that she could and get me someday from my nursing home and take me on rides

Later last night she called on the Hello Kitty phone to tell me she rode on a ride at the festival and got sick. She said she just wanted me to know.
Love you back bunches Doodle.