My little grandson is coming for a visit. His mommy and sister will also be here in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to see them. He is quite the little stinker. Can you tell he is an outdoors kinda boy. He and his daddy go fishing almost everyday. He wants a fishing boat. He told his mom, "You can't expect us to fish in a canoe all the time, can you?" He also said he was tired of her (his mommy) bossing him around and he was moving to Ohio." I think I already told you that. But I love that he wants to come here so I can repeat it, right? Can you believe the dirt on him. Such a boy. His sister on the other hand just finished her 13th play. She is only 8. She is so funny. Quite the actress for a young one. So brave to act in front of a lot of people. She is the dancer in the family as well.
We just had another storm here. We had a quiet two days. It was very hot and humid this morning but then got so dark and BOOM.
Most of the worker bees are done. A new person coming on Monday. He is taking down the ancient TV tower. It has been a ladder to climb up onto the roof lately. He is also bringing gravel for the driveway. We have never had mud like we have had lately.
No word on how the showing went. Hubby saw a couple of people drive by and stop for awhile. We are hidden inside a one way in and out neighborhood. They had to know where the listing was to get here. I know it has only been a week but I expected more showings when first listing. But I need to recover from the last one.
Our poor Springer almost lost his life. He was in the car and when I stopped he jumped over the seat and in my lap. I opened the door and he hung from his collar. HE was stuck on the car seat in the back seat. I was wrapped in it as well. It was so tight I couldn't get it loose with one hand. Finally I unhooked the leash. He was jerking his head like he was dying. I was screaming and the little dog was under my feet so scared. Thank goodness I got him loose. He ran to the front door. Next time, if I can, I will walk across the street to the neighborhood clubhouse. There is a bench outside where I can sit and wait. I also found I have a seat belt harness that I can hook on him in the car. I hate doing it as he is so good in the car. He sits in the backseat in one of the kids car seats and facing the back window to look out. It is so cute. But I can't go through that again. I was so upset.
So weird things continue to happen here. The sweet friend that works for Stanley Steamer that cleaned our carpets, decided to do the stair treads and the throw rug at the door. I had to dry the treads in the dryer but didn't think of how wet the mat was. So the following day, we realize that the parquet floor square were popping up. Oh my. All but one has gone down. Oh I hope we don't have to replace the floor.
I watched the littles yesterday. Took them to the neighborhood pool. Later I let them ride down the hill on the Little Tykes tractor. Glad I didn't give that away like everyone wanted me to. They were having so much fun. Their Mom's exercise studio will be opening on the 1st. She hired a trainer to come here from California to train everyone, including our son. I feel bad for the kids. They are worn out and not getting to do much that's fun. I won't be much help later next week, so helping them while I can.
Today, I didn't do anything on the house. I went to our local Décor Deals and snatched a couple sale items. A star painted red white and blue for the corner of our lot, a couple painting by Jacobs......just little ones and so cheap. I have been looking for a new front door rug. Now looking means at TJ Max's or the grocery, hah, because that's the only places I go to. I found one, not on sale. It says it's really washable. My rebel self picked out one with dogs on it. It's too hard for me to be neutral. It was the only darker one that wouldn't show the mud. I also ordered from Lands End today.....some real deals. Also from online......Décor Steals (I think that's what it's called) some cotton branches. I have been wanting some for quite sometime. Take my credit card please. I really didn't spend much but sometimes you just gotta.
Well storm seems over for now. My quiet day is almost over. We will see what tomorrow brings.
Happy Week-end.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Surgery is scheduled, Club Little House Swap, First House Showing
This post is a combination of things, kinda like my life right now. First of all my surgery is scheduled for July 3. Yes, the CT scan was okay. That means that there shouldn't be anything serious going on in the pelvic area. They will still be checking out my leg area. Don't know if it will just be the surface or deeper down to the muscle. I am glad that I have had some time to get my mind where it needs to be. Since my mini breakdown, I have rested a bit. I know I can handle this. I am more positive for the time being. I did work pretty hard today as we are having our first showing tomorrow late afternoon. So it will be me and the dogs getting things ready and hopping in the bug to get out of the house. Things are pretty much ready. I know that I will be stressed for the first showing but it will get easier. I might add that the carpets downstairs were scheduled to be cleaned tomorrow morning. Luckily the guy that does the cleaning is a family friend. The Stanley Steamer secretary wasn't seeing my need to get the carpets done first thing. But, my friend called me and said he would come at 7 a.m. The bad part is that it has rained non-stop and it's a bit muddy.
These pictures of the shelf I found to use as a doll house. I actually found it last year. It's about two feet tall and is very heavy. I will wait to put it up in my new condo. I staged it so you could see my swap goodies. This was such a fun swap for sure.
The first picture is of the whole shelf. Doesn't it look like a house.
I'm not sure if I like the rusty trim. Do you?
The banner came with one of the other items.......the wreath, I think.
Okay this is a baby's room. Remember I just put these rooms together with the items I got. I made the baby in the cradle. The rug, the cute little dresser, the crate and coat rack, the bonnet, and the kitty were all swap gifts. If you look closely above the baby's cradle is a real Mary Engelbreight painting. She was in the swap. It has bunnies on it.
So that's about all I got for now. Back to getting the house ready.
Thanks again for all your love, support and prayers. I think they are already working.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Crazy days
My cousin shared this on Face Book today. It sure fit me yesterday. Maybe it's genetic. I continue to put things in places for no reason at all and then think I am loosing it when I can't find it. Too much going on. Yesterday was a crazy day. Too many people coming and going. Too much going on for sure. By evening I was in tears. Today I took the entire day off. Only one worker and he was outside. It's been stormy and dark all day and last night. Well, I should say for days, with some sun shining through. So it was a good day just to hide.
We haven't had the first official showing yet. I am sure I will be a mess getting into the routine. Last time (4 years ago) we had it down to a science. One hour for my husband and me to get ready and get out the door with the dogs. For me alone 2 hours and that sometimes included who I was watching at the time. With the cat not here anymore, that eliminates one step.
Pictures of the house were posted last night. Some need to be removed. It's hard seeing your home online.
Some good scan came back pretty good. So, if I am reading things right, there is probably nothing going on in my pelvic region. I feel like that is good news. The doctor was supposed to call me last night the nurse said. I asked her why and she said just to explain the scan and the plan of action. The nurse said tomorrow they will schedule a date. It won't be this week for sure . Maybe this will give me some time to get my mind in order.
We may have to build an arc if this rain doesn't stop soon. Geez, it is pouring.
So that's it for now. I will be back soon.
I am having problems reading blogs today. One will come up but then I can't get any more. Geez.
We haven't had the first official showing yet. I am sure I will be a mess getting into the routine. Last time (4 years ago) we had it down to a science. One hour for my husband and me to get ready and get out the door with the dogs. For me alone 2 hours and that sometimes included who I was watching at the time. With the cat not here anymore, that eliminates one step.
Pictures of the house were posted last night. Some need to be removed. It's hard seeing your home online.
Some good scan came back pretty good. So, if I am reading things right, there is probably nothing going on in my pelvic region. I feel like that is good news. The doctor was supposed to call me last night the nurse said. I asked her why and she said just to explain the scan and the plan of action. The nurse said tomorrow they will schedule a date. It won't be this week for sure . Maybe this will give me some time to get my mind in order.
We may have to build an arc if this rain doesn't stop soon. Geez, it is pouring.
So that's it for now. I will be back soon.
I am having problems reading blogs today. One will come up but then I can't get any more. Geez.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
We signed the listing agreement today during the garage sale. The garage sale that no one came to. Only a handful. We will close the garage door and have it on a Friday another time. I had it all set up inside because of all the rain. It rained all morning. It started out so humid you could hardly breathe. Now it is cooler with a breeze. I even have a sweatshirt on. We haven't had the official pics taken. Here are a few I took on the kindle. It's so hard to take a pic of the front of the house. The roof line is getting repaired.
Thanks a bunch for all your prayers and positive thoughts. I knew you could boost my spirits.xxxx
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
I need my bloggy friends
I am so sorry. I borrowed this image from one of you and can't remember who to credit.
It explains my post today.
I have been so stressed about getting this house ready that I not only made myself sick but I had an accident pumping gas yesterday. I sprayed myself with tons of gas . All over the front of me including eyes and mouth. I did go to urgent care and had my eyes checked. I am okay now but it was a bit of a panic trying to get some help when it happened. I took my top off in the Walmart gas station lot. Yep, I did. I had a jacket in the car that I put on......I had to get some of the gas off. I know it was from being careless and too stressed. Time to slow things down.
But the real reason for this post. I saw a surgeon today for a lump I found 3 weeks ago. It's in my leg/groin area. When I first felt it I didn't think much about it. But it is presenting so much like the liposarcomas I had over 20 years ago. Same location but other side. I had to wait to be scheduled to see the surgeon. But that was never done. I got the surgeons number and called myself yesterday. They saw me today. The doctor is concerned that if this is cancer again that the pelvis may be involved since I have had these things on both sides . So in two to three days (more likely next week) I will have the lumps that are near the surface removed and tested. If they are positive they will probably the same time do an exploratory to see if there are sarcomas deeper. They tend to be deep and close to the muscle. I will be having a cat scan right before the surgery. The doctor said it may or may not be helpful. He said if the pelvis is involved he will stop the surgery and we will need to talk. Of course we know that won't be good.
Now, I have been here before. I was so frightened then because my children were so young. Since then we adopted another child but they are all adults now. I know more now than I did before about this kind of cancer. I'm not worried about the surgery, the pain or following treatments. I do need to stay positive and have patience.
I hope that I can come back on here and say oops, false alarm. But I think it is cancer and I think the doctor does as well. You don't notice these until they cause other problems. Only one in 10,000 lipomas are sarcomas. They are totally different but share the same name.
The doctor asked if I had plans or obligations coming up. Nothing that is more important than this. I am having a garage sale Saturday that I would like to get through. Mainly because of the stuff being around when they start showing the house. Yes, that will continue, somehow, as we really need to sell now more than ever. I may ask for help to keep the house in order.
Okay, I made it through all of this without a tear but feel them nearing.
I am okay, just need some prayers and positive thoughts about what's ahead. It would be nice for this all to go away but it's not going to just yet. On the way to the appointment today I prayed. I prayed for God to help me get through what needed to be done.
You know when you feel the need to talk to a friend. Well I have friends that I can talk to but I also consider so many of you as close friends. So that's why I have told you about this. I just need my blogging buddies.
Love to you all.
It explains my post today.
I have been so stressed about getting this house ready that I not only made myself sick but I had an accident pumping gas yesterday. I sprayed myself with tons of gas . All over the front of me including eyes and mouth. I did go to urgent care and had my eyes checked. I am okay now but it was a bit of a panic trying to get some help when it happened. I took my top off in the Walmart gas station lot. Yep, I did. I had a jacket in the car that I put on......I had to get some of the gas off. I know it was from being careless and too stressed. Time to slow things down.
But the real reason for this post. I saw a surgeon today for a lump I found 3 weeks ago. It's in my leg/groin area. When I first felt it I didn't think much about it. But it is presenting so much like the liposarcomas I had over 20 years ago. Same location but other side. I had to wait to be scheduled to see the surgeon. But that was never done. I got the surgeons number and called myself yesterday. They saw me today. The doctor is concerned that if this is cancer again that the pelvis may be involved since I have had these things on both sides . So in two to three days (more likely next week) I will have the lumps that are near the surface removed and tested. If they are positive they will probably the same time do an exploratory to see if there are sarcomas deeper. They tend to be deep and close to the muscle. I will be having a cat scan right before the surgery. The doctor said it may or may not be helpful. He said if the pelvis is involved he will stop the surgery and we will need to talk. Of course we know that won't be good.
Now, I have been here before. I was so frightened then because my children were so young. Since then we adopted another child but they are all adults now. I know more now than I did before about this kind of cancer. I'm not worried about the surgery, the pain or following treatments. I do need to stay positive and have patience.
I hope that I can come back on here and say oops, false alarm. But I think it is cancer and I think the doctor does as well. You don't notice these until they cause other problems. Only one in 10,000 lipomas are sarcomas. They are totally different but share the same name.
The doctor asked if I had plans or obligations coming up. Nothing that is more important than this. I am having a garage sale Saturday that I would like to get through. Mainly because of the stuff being around when they start showing the house. Yes, that will continue, somehow, as we really need to sell now more than ever. I may ask for help to keep the house in order.
Okay, I made it through all of this without a tear but feel them nearing.
I am okay, just need some prayers and positive thoughts about what's ahead. It would be nice for this all to go away but it's not going to just yet. On the way to the appointment today I prayed. I prayed for God to help me get through what needed to be done.
You know when you feel the need to talk to a friend. Well I have friends that I can talk to but I also consider so many of you as close friends. So that's why I have told you about this. I just need my blogging buddies.
Love to you all.
Monday, June 9, 2014
This owl is me and the "S" Word
I know I have posted this before. But it is so me right now. So much to do. I am pacing myself. I have to. I take a lot of breaks.
Now about the "S" word. I don't swear much at all but I do say this word on occasion, like when I dropped a wok on my big toe Saturday. Well, I wanted to say it then but instead I hopped around the house moaning very loudly. After all Hubby and I were watching M and M (5 and 8) and two little ones (2 and 5 months) I was loud. It hurt. After I calmed down and about passed out the two year old came and handed me an old camera that the grands had taken out of my garage from the day before clean up. So sweet. I think he thought it would make me feel better.
Yes, we took a break and babysat from 9 - 5 so their parents could do a mud run. Don't fret as same parents cleaned out our entire garage the day before. Everything is in a different place outdoors now as well. My DIL didn't like my garden in the rusty wagon hah. The young ones don't get the whole reuse, vintage, junk thing. Way too modern, these kids are now a days. Well Friday evening ended with Hubby's work car breaking down. So I had to go get him. He works an hour away. Instead of coming home we ate at a place that we both loved when we lived in that area. So it wasn't all bad. He now has a rental and I have new tires as of this morning.
Sunday we joined the church and then afterwards took our friends and their family to dinner. This was the family that we followed to this church. They could be our kids, almost. Their youngest is our oldest granddaughter's very good friend. Funny note. Years ago in my home pre-school I had their oldest that is now 16. I also watched the youngest with my grands when she was five. Who haven't I watched, hah.
We have found our condo. So excited. I will explain more later about it. Now to sell our house. We should list this week.
This is the last stop before the nursing home.
Hoping to have a garage sale this week-end. It will be the first of a couple I am sure. One now and then one when we move and for everything that doesn't fit.
DIL didn't like my choice of color for our bedroom. She said it wasn't neutral enough. Then I visited her studio (exercise). She painted the bathroom the brightest blue ever.
She also said the family pictures have to come down. I took some down.....not all. I'd feel like I was in a hotel.
It has been nice here weather wise. Cool days. Rain but mostly at night. I could have this weather all year long. Stay away hot days.
So my friends, I will be back soon.
Reading but not posting much.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Pacing myself/Some outdoor photos
Hubby told me that I need to pace myself a little more. I know, it's true. I don't have the energy I did four years ago when we put our house on the market. I was tired then as well. (Anyone that can sleep through a brain MRI is tired, hah) So much to do. I know it will all be worth it, I know. Right now it is overwhelming. Sometimes, I just don't know where to start.
The painters are finishing up the ceilings and the bedroom. They should be done soon. Little Baby O. also arrives soon. I think that will be my down time today. I was almost physically ill last night. I think it was the paint. I choose Harmony paint for the walls so that should have been ok. The ceiling paint must have gotten to me. Since I haven't left the house for a couple of days, I probably need some fresh air. I am alternating from open windows to A/C.
Hubby and I went and looked at the other two condos in the neighborhood that we want to move to. There are three available. We like each one for different reasons. Just talked to our long time family friend about his condo in the same area. He has turned into a snowbird since his wife died. Yes, another great friend a few years back. He said he was thinking of selling his condo. So we will look at his this week-end when he gets here from Florida. Now, all we need is this house to sell, quickly.
After looking at the condos and grabbing a bite to eat, we had a blow out on a tire. It sounded like a gunshot. Luckily Hubby was driving. We were able to pull off the road. Poor Hubby worked so hard at getting the tire off but after taking the lugs off it wouldn't budge. We called for help. After seeing what the mechanic did to get it off, we were glad we called. Plus it was getting dark. I was so lucky that it didn't happen to me when I had kids with me or in busy traffic.
I will leave you some outdoor pictures. We have had a lot of rain and storms lately so I need to tidy up.
I found this rusty wagon in someone else's trash by the road. So, I planted a small garden in it.
My husband will get this all in shape with the electric blower. Not sure I could handle it.
So, break time is over, time to get busy.
The painters are finishing up the ceilings and the bedroom. They should be done soon. Little Baby O. also arrives soon. I think that will be my down time today. I was almost physically ill last night. I think it was the paint. I choose Harmony paint for the walls so that should have been ok. The ceiling paint must have gotten to me. Since I haven't left the house for a couple of days, I probably need some fresh air. I am alternating from open windows to A/C.
Hubby and I went and looked at the other two condos in the neighborhood that we want to move to. There are three available. We like each one for different reasons. Just talked to our long time family friend about his condo in the same area. He has turned into a snowbird since his wife died. Yes, another great friend a few years back. He said he was thinking of selling his condo. So we will look at his this week-end when he gets here from Florida. Now, all we need is this house to sell, quickly.
After looking at the condos and grabbing a bite to eat, we had a blow out on a tire. It sounded like a gunshot. Luckily Hubby was driving. We were able to pull off the road. Poor Hubby worked so hard at getting the tire off but after taking the lugs off it wouldn't budge. We called for help. After seeing what the mechanic did to get it off, we were glad we called. Plus it was getting dark. I was so lucky that it didn't happen to me when I had kids with me or in busy traffic.
I will leave you some outdoor pictures. We have had a lot of rain and storms lately so I need to tidy up.
My whimsy flower boxes.
My husband will get this all in shape with the electric blower. Not sure I could handle it.
So, break time is over, time to get busy.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
About the move
I mentioned in my last post that we might be moving. On a whim, we have decided to list our home. This came from no where. The market is good right now, esp. in our price range. We want to move to a small condo where that we can just enjoy and not work constantly to maintain. So we are in full speed ahead. A lot needs to be done before we list. We aren't going to make the same mistake that we made a few years back when we listed our house. We waited til July in a market that tanked. So here we go. Oh my, I am already exhausted. This decision was made about one week ago. We hope to be on the market by the 15th. We have looked at one condo already and will be looking at the other two that are available tonight. We have painters coming tomorrow to pain the bedroom and all of our upstairs ceilings. We will get the big things out of the way and work on the little things after it's listed. So there's the story.
I was going to tease you about this being the house we were moving to.....yeah, right. Actually our grandson was invited to a school party here. I was appointed to pick him up. As beautiful as this house's not for me.
We are going to need some prayers. I like to save prayers for serious things but this is important esp. important for health reasons. So I thought I would show you our new church. We are officially joining this church on Sunday. It's called "The Church in the Mall." And it's in the mall. It is such a beautiful space. They wanted to be where they could reach the most people. It has a small congregation that is there to serve and to provide hope to all walks of life. I took these pictures quickly as they were turning off the lights. The walls are a orangy color. Notice the trees on the walls. Love the table that serves as an alter. The little chair in the middle is where the pastor sits. The rest of us sit at small tables and chairs. It's like a café with coffee, water and juice available. So comfy.
So theat is what's going on. I will be so busy for the next few days. If I don't comment please still be my friend. I will read posts when I am too exhausted to stand.
Wish us luck.....and say a little prayer for us.
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