My sweet granddaughters were in their cousin's wedding in April. I finally got some pictures. I must admit this first one is my favorite. It's Goose with a little SAS, hah.
This one is pretty cute as well. Wonder what the little guy is thinking or saying to the girls.
These sisters sure have a close relationship. Sure they argue once in awhile but they are always side by side playing.

They have different personalities but that's what makes them who they are.
They have had an incredible summer. First this wedding in April on Sanibel Island. Then our family trip to Hilton Head. From there they drove back to Sanibel for my DIL's family vacation. Then on to Key West for a few days. They came home for about 10 days and now they are in Canada on Georgian Bay. (Nice to have relatives that have nice vacation homes). They will return this week-end and then pack to go to Ocean City. My son and his wife are teachers. This summer will be hard to top in the coming years.
Now, what's up in my little world:
I have been babysitting two beta fish, 2 hamsters and a little pond of fish for the above granddaughters.
This Nanny has been busy. I have been babysitting like crazy. But it is a good thing as I am saving for something WONDERFUL.
In shock as to how much a passport costs and the trouble to get on. I have never had one before.
I am excited for Will and Kate and their new baby boy. Can't wait to see what he looks like.
I have done a tad of vintage shopping lately. I need to take pictures. I have spent very little money for some great things.
My kids in Colorado are all packed up and will be arriving here in about a week to unpack into their home close by. So excited about that.
We have had a lot of rain. 3 inches in 2 hours yesterday. There is thunder right now. We had thunder a couple days last week and no rain. The temps. and the rain keep this summer from being boring.
I am headed to the grocery if this thunder stops. Senior day, hah. I like to shop at our local grocery store. It's small and I know where things are. I buy the sale items for the things I want. Everyone thinks it is more expensive but I don't like Walmart. So with my discount I justify it. Also the Farmers Market will be there. It is teeny tiny compared to Saturdays but I always seem to miss that. I want some veggies and sunflowers.
Youngest son and his freeloading roomie are stressing Mr. Cozy and I. Our son doesn't make good decisions and it takes forever for him to understand that this "isn't our first rodeo." He usually eventually comes to terms with what we advice but this issue has been on going.
Our weeds are so tall.....so is the corn in the corn fields all over town.
Okay, so now you can see that I have been up to "not much at all." Stay cool and dry my friends. Unless you are going swimming or playing in the rain.