I like my new job but I miss my old job. I miss Goose. She had a rough week last week. Tears day and night. Too much change. During the summer she has both parents all day everyday. (They are teachers) Grammy hopes that her tears turn to smiles. Piper misses his snuggly bunny.
I did go to the ER yesterday. They did a scan on my head and it was okay. They gave me three shots for what they think are migraines. I am hanging in there but thankful there isn't anything in that head of mine. Thanks for your prayers, concerns and suggestions. I am going to check them all out. Until then.......I am reducing computer time a bit. Maybe just short periods.
Hope you all have a great week. Our heat is back but hopefully not for long. ((((HUGS))))
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Reading is fun
I LOVE to read, how about you.
Not so much for books but I do manage a couple here and there. My problem is once I start a book I read it til it's finished. So nothing else gets done.
I used to be magazinaholic.
But then some of my favorite ones went out of print. When I started blogging I was still mourning those mags.
Now when I get one, I quickly look and it isn't as exciting. You know why? It's because my favorite read now are YOUR
BLOGS. I spend way too much time doing so but I get back so much in return. I love reading about all your lives, your art, your homes.........I love it all.
I am offering a GIVE-A-WAY when I reach 75 followers. I already have it ready to go. It's ME related.
Nothing fancy but some of her products that I have been finding.
ALl you have to do is be a follower.
If you are a follower of my blog and I don't follow you, PLEASE let me know. WHY, because I want to follow you.
Also, I could use a little HELP. Yesterday my vision went all wavvvvy again for about an hour and then the dreaded headache returned. I am so bummed. Of course, my hubby being the wonderful caregiver he is, wants to take me to ER. (He left for Wally World for some food) The doctor told me if they didn't go away that tests would be needed. I had those last year. I would have dizzy spells, like vertigo for about 30 seconds then a headache for a brief period then the next day I would be so tired. The tests were okay. Has anyone had THIS kind of problem. The headache pills didn't help before. It seemed that the antibiotics did. I had a cough. The cough is gone but still shows up once in awhile. I am SO SORRY that I keep posting about not being healthy,. I want to be so bad. So if anyone has ADVICE please send it my way. Thank you SO much. ((((HUGS)))) I better get off of here before Hubby returns.
Not so much for books but I do manage a couple here and there. My problem is once I start a book I read it til it's finished. So nothing else gets done.
I used to be magazinaholic.
But then some of my favorite ones went out of print. When I started blogging I was still mourning those mags.
Now when I get one, I quickly look and it isn't as exciting. You know why? It's because my favorite read now are YOUR
BLOGS. I spend way too much time doing so but I get back so much in return. I love reading about all your lives, your art, your homes.........I love it all.
I am offering a GIVE-A-WAY when I reach 75 followers. I already have it ready to go. It's ME related.
Nothing fancy but some of her products that I have been finding.
ALl you have to do is be a follower.
If you are a follower of my blog and I don't follow you, PLEASE let me know. WHY, because I want to follow you.
Also, I could use a little HELP. Yesterday my vision went all wavvvvy again for about an hour and then the dreaded headache returned. I am so bummed. Of course, my hubby being the wonderful caregiver he is, wants to take me to ER. (He left for Wally World for some food) The doctor told me if they didn't go away that tests would be needed. I had those last year. I would have dizzy spells, like vertigo for about 30 seconds then a headache for a brief period then the next day I would be so tired. The tests were okay. Has anyone had THIS kind of problem. The headache pills didn't help before. It seemed that the antibiotics did. I had a cough. The cough is gone but still shows up once in awhile. I am SO SORRY that I keep posting about not being healthy,. I want to be so bad. So if anyone has ADVICE please send it my way. Thank you SO much. ((((HUGS)))) I better get off of here before Hubby returns.
Friday, August 27, 2010
School Days Are Here Again
School is open and I am a part of it. Here is my lunch box and my badge and if you look close enough, my pink fleece jacket. Yep, a jacket. The last two mornings have been cool.
Actually this morning it was only 52 degrees. I turned the heat on in the car. It will be in the 80's later today. I always find this strange that it can go to sooooo hot and cool down like this in the evenings. I can remember when my son played football. The first game was either blasted hot or freezing cold. Right now I am wrapped in my COZY BLANKET.
My new job is going well.
Alot of kids in the before and after school program. I must admit, I am having problems remembering names and which kids belong to which parents. I get to see my granddaughter walk into the school building as I leave.
Yesterday I worked the school program from 6-9 a.m. and then subbed at the child care with toddlers from 9-noon. Then a couple errands and lunch, then back at school. There from 3-6 then off to watch my granddaughters til 8:30 p.m. My DIL lost her grandfather yesterday. I must admit I called my son and hinted that I was really getting tired. I haven't slept well this week.....hoping that changes soon. So yesterday was a bit much for an old lady.
While at the day care yesterday I visited my Goose that is attending there full days. I miss her so much. Well, she cried. When Goose's Mama and Daddy got home last night I was sitting on her bed as she was crying herself to sleep. She was saying, " I love my sister so much." We had tried to all go to sleep in her sister's bed. No one was getting sleepy except Grammy, so I had Goose go to her own bed. Her parents came in shaking their heads. Poor Goose cried about something all day. My poor little Goose.
So, if I can get the doggies to let me, I think I will attempt a short nap before returning to school. I am hoping that when I start sleeping at night, I won't need a nap.
I hope that school is off to a good start for all your children and grandchildren. Have a great week-end. ((((HUGS))))
Actually this morning it was only 52 degrees. I turned the heat on in the car. It will be in the 80's later today. I always find this strange that it can go to sooooo hot and cool down like this in the evenings. I can remember when my son played football. The first game was either blasted hot or freezing cold. Right now I am wrapped in my COZY BLANKET.
My new job is going well.
Alot of kids in the before and after school program. I must admit, I am having problems remembering names and which kids belong to which parents. I get to see my granddaughter walk into the school building as I leave.
Yesterday I worked the school program from 6-9 a.m. and then subbed at the child care with toddlers from 9-noon. Then a couple errands and lunch, then back at school. There from 3-6 then off to watch my granddaughters til 8:30 p.m. My DIL lost her grandfather yesterday. I must admit I called my son and hinted that I was really getting tired. I haven't slept well this week.....hoping that changes soon. So yesterday was a bit much for an old lady.
While at the day care yesterday I visited my Goose that is attending there full days. I miss her so much. Well, she cried. When Goose's Mama and Daddy got home last night I was sitting on her bed as she was crying herself to sleep. She was saying, " I love my sister so much." We had tried to all go to sleep in her sister's bed. No one was getting sleepy except Grammy, so I had Goose go to her own bed. Her parents came in shaking their heads. Poor Goose cried about something all day. My poor little Goose.
So, if I can get the doggies to let me, I think I will attempt a short nap before returning to school. I am hoping that when I start sleeping at night, I won't need a nap.
I hope that school is off to a good start for all your children and grandchildren. Have a great week-end. ((((HUGS))))
Monday, August 23, 2010
Last outing before school starts

Grammy and the girls. Goose not happy. The picture before she wanted in the spot that her sister took.
A rainy day at the ice cream factory. (Yes, we went there in the Spring but K. Bug didn't get to go) We were going for lunch and ice cream. Since my little grands are picky eaters we had ice cream and went later to McDonalds for Happy Meals. The girls were a little sad because their Mama is sad. She is loosing her grandfather any day now. The girls did perk up at McDonalds. They ate and played at their indoor playground. It is a bit unusual, small and just alot of fun. When we returned their Mama had just returned from a visit to her grandfather and seemed to be a little more at peace. The girls went straight into the bathtub.
We all start school this week. Their Mama and Daddy are teachers. So this will be a busy week in many ways.
Friday evening our slumber party with the same grands and Doodle went well. They can be rather loud.
Sunday I had a 6 hour renewal class for my new job,. One down two to go. Today I had a shot (DaTP) and a tine test.
Sunday my husband and I spent a long time getting burrs off Piper. What a mess. They were making him sick. He tried to get them off himself and ate them and really didn't feel well. Wouldn't you know he got back in them early this morning. Hubby and I were outside in our jammies trying to figure out where he was getting into them at 6:00 a.m. Also on Sunday we went to see Eat, Love and Pray. It was okay. Maybe I should have read the book first. Very slow and some good parts. Hubby was bored.
The evenings are cooling off......Fall is on it's way. Yippee.
Hope your week is going well.
Remember that give a way. Well it was supposed to be CSN. I've decided not to do it but I will be giving away something when I reach 75 followers. This time for my followers. You don't have to comment to get a chance. I will choose from my list. So be watching for that to happen soon.'
(((((HUGS)))) You all.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tag you're it
Hi There. I was tagged, I love these things. Le Chateau des fleurs by Frenchy tagged me. I am supposed to answer her eight questions then ask eight others to answer my eight questions. I choose bloggers that may not have had to do this a 1,000 times. I love answering these things, I am a little weird but you knew that already. Here are the questions Frenchy asked me.
Question # 1: What is your favortie time of the day?
This is a hard one for me. I think mid-morning when I check my computer
from sweet posts from all of you. I know you think I am kidding, don't you. I don't like early morning and I would love bedtime but it takes me forever to fall asleep. (You didn't know you would be getting a book did you.}
Question #2: Salt or Sugar?
Wow, both really.
Question #3: Sea or Mountains?
Definetly mountains.
Question# 4: What country would you like to visit and why?
Europe, just to see the old homes, churches, barns, etc.
Also to see how other people live.Question # 5: Your favorite song?
I can only imagine by Mercy Me. I so love that song.
Question # 6: Do you cook? What is your favorite dish?
I don't like to cook, sorry, but I do love to make soup. Does that count?
Question # 7: What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?
I don't like the word die. I want to be the Fairy Godmother at Cinderella's Castle. You thought I was kidding when I said that before.
Question #8: My favorite flower?
I have three......roses, daisies, and sunflowers. Out of all three I would pick the sunflower as it lasts a long time and it is a HAPPY flower.
(I have no idea why my computer is lining this stuff up like this, sorry, I do know about margins and tabs)
OKAY, now WAKE UP........IT'S YOUR TURN. If you feel bad that I didn't choose you, feel free to do this on your own. I am sure most of you will probably say, "I am so glad you didn't."
Mandy's Yellow Corner
Martha Mpression
Rick-Rack and Gingham
Grammy Girlfriend
Meadowsweet Cottage
1. Would you rather live in a
BIG home or a tiny cottage? (Or a RV)2. Your favortie season and why?
3. Disney or Vegas? (My husband and I would be so divided on this one)
4. Your favortie hobby?
5. Favorite family acitivity?
6. Dream job (he he you know mine.......can even be, no job at all)
7. When did you last laugh so hard that you cried?
8. What do you do to relax?
That's it. Good luck. I am off to the store to get some goldfish and mac and cheese for Goose, K.
Bug, and Doodle. They are coming to spend the night.Happy Week-end. ((((HUGS))))
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Catching up
Lots of catching up to do. I am doing alot better. The headaches are still here but not as bad. I feel like such a whiney butt. I had a sore throat and a bad cough and that has gone away. I am going to get allergy meds today and see if t hat helps. But, really I am fine.
My Doodle turned 7 a couple weeks ago. This little girl calls me "Nanny." Everytime she see me she runs and screams, " NANNY." She really makes me feel special. I watched her from 6 weeks til about 5. She then went to big school full time. My heart was broken, I mean really broken. But our friendship has continued and we still have such a special bond. I see her often. Since my son and his family moved to the town I live in, the distance is the only reason I don't see her more. She is like a grandchild to me. She now has a baby brother and I watch him off and on. I met Doodle and started watching her when my oldest granddaughter was born. The two of them are very best friends. So are our families. We are always included in celebrations and etc. I just love being a part of Doodle's family and her being a part of ours. One day I went to pick her up at her big school. (She was 5) She ran and screamed and called my name. Her teacher came up to me and said that she could only hope that someone someday loved her as much as this little girl loved me. Thank goodness Doodles' grandmas are okay with our realtionship. They kind of laugh about it. I tell everyone that someday Doodle will come to get me at my nursing home and take me for rides. Love this girl.
Okay, moving on, getting so sentimental about my little girl.
Wildlife has been driving my doggies crazy. They have been barking alot and that hurts my head, alot. The deer are running through the yard in multiples.
Now, the latest have been wild turkeys. They march through the yard one by one to their own little beat. I have counted at least 20 at a time. I am sure it is the same flock (is that what you would call them) that I have seen at other places close to our home. That shocked our dogs for sure.
I start my new job next week. I am excited.
Not excited about the early hour part but I am excited. I thought back and have figuered out for the last 38 years, "
Back to school" has always been a part of these years. First all my kids, then me working in schools, then watching teachers children and this being my second round at directing, (this time co) an after school program.
No, I don't get to buy new clothes. I will have to buy new ones when I ruin the ones I have. (BLEACH,
PAINT, you know kids stuff) I do get a lanyard with a picture and a special scanning thing to get into school. I feel really important. I also have to update classes....
I am headed to the post office to mail swap packages and mail snail mail cards. (also a swap)
I just love this blogging adventure. I have met such wonderful people that just "wow" me. You guys are great. I just wish I could have lunch with you all someday and give you a great big (((((HUG))))). Thank you so much for everything.
My Doodle turned 7 a couple weeks ago. This little girl calls me "Nanny." Everytime she see me she runs and screams, " NANNY." She really makes me feel special. I watched her from 6 weeks til about 5. She then went to big school full time. My heart was broken, I mean really broken. But our friendship has continued and we still have such a special bond. I see her often. Since my son and his family moved to the town I live in, the distance is the only reason I don't see her more. She is like a grandchild to me. She now has a baby brother and I watch him off and on. I met Doodle and started watching her when my oldest granddaughter was born. The two of them are very best friends. So are our families. We are always included in celebrations and etc. I just love being a part of Doodle's family and her being a part of ours. One day I went to pick her up at her big school. (She was 5) She ran and screamed and called my name. Her teacher came up to me and said that she could only hope that someone someday loved her as much as this little girl loved me. Thank goodness Doodles' grandmas are okay with our realtionship. They kind of laugh about it. I tell everyone that someday Doodle will come to get me at my nursing home and take me for rides. Love this girl.
Okay, moving on, getting so sentimental about my little girl.
Wildlife has been driving my doggies crazy. They have been barking alot and that hurts my head, alot. The deer are running through the yard in multiples.
Now, the latest have been wild turkeys. They march through the yard one by one to their own little beat. I have counted at least 20 at a time. I am sure it is the same flock (is that what you would call them) that I have seen at other places close to our home. That shocked our dogs for sure.
I start my new job next week. I am excited.
Not excited about the early hour part but I am excited. I thought back and have figuered out for the last 38 years, "
Back to school" has always been a part of these years. First all my kids, then me working in schools, then watching teachers children and this being my second round at directing, (this time co) an after school program.
No, I don't get to buy new clothes. I will have to buy new ones when I ruin the ones I have. (BLEACH,
PAINT, you know kids stuff) I do get a lanyard with a picture and a special scanning thing to get into school. I feel really important. I also have to update classes....
I am headed to the post office to mail swap packages and mail snail mail cards. (also a swap)
I just love this blogging adventure. I have met such wonderful people that just "wow" me. You guys are great. I just wish I could have lunch with you all someday and give you a great big (((((HUG))))). Thank you so much for everything.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Bragging time
Hi friends. I want to brag about my husband today. He is the best caregiver. He was so sweet this week-end while I continue to struggle with these headaches. He took our son to the ER early Friday morning. This happens alot. Our son doesn't handle life very well and becomes ill trying to deal with it.. So we get these middle of the night phone calls and my Hubby gets up, dresses and takes him to the ER. He got about 4 hours of sleep that night. The next night, Friday night, our little granddaughters came to spend the night. While I laid on the couch, Hubby sat in the kitchen with the girls while they ate their Happy Meals that he left early from work to get for them and to come help me. The girls carried the whole toy room upstairs into the living room and played like they were in heaven. The next day he continued to care for their every needs and mine as well. On Sunday I had a face painting job. It was an hour away outside at a pool for Grandparents Day. He not only took me but saw to it that I was drinking fluids, even helped do some balloons when the other clown and I got busy. I didn't have to be in make-up, thank heavens. Then he took me out to eat. I have had so many illnesses and surgeries and I am telling you he is the best. When my son had his second back fusion it was Hubby that stayed at the hospital with him. He was the only one that could have handled that. When we were 19 and 20 we had to take our parents with us to get our marriage license. We will have been married 40 years next month.
Okay, update on the headaches. I went to Urgent Care on Friday.....our new doctor hasn't been added to our insurance company. He gave me three prescriptions. I was starting to get a scratchy throat. That has gone into a cough but nothing significant. The headaches are still present. The doctor said the next step was the ER and tests. Last year I had an MRI and an EEG that were normal. So, I am hoping that it soon goes away.
I have lots of things to share that have been going on but will save that for another day. Thanks for all your sweet comments. ((((HUGS))))
Okay, update on the headaches. I went to Urgent Care on Friday.....our new doctor hasn't been added to our insurance company. He gave me three prescriptions. I was starting to get a scratchy throat. That has gone into a cough but nothing significant. The headaches are still present. The doctor said the next step was the ER and tests. Last year I had an MRI and an EEG that were normal. So, I am hoping that it soon goes away.
I have lots of things to share that have been going on but will save that for another day. Thanks for all your sweet comments. ((((HUGS))))
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Can you do this?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I am dreaming of a white........
Remember when we had alot of snow.....I didn't complain. I actually love snow. I do not like heat. I do not like heat. I really don't. Way too hot today. I went to have lunch with my cousin and a couple of her friends for her birthday. I live an hour and a half away. My Mom was to go as well. When I got to her house she wasn't there. I knew she had an eye appointment so I tracked her down. She has to have surgery. Every fall when school starts she has surgery. She doesn't plan it and it isn't her fault but it happens. Last year she had her kidney removed. (cancer) She has had so many surgeries in the past 5 years. Seriously I think 8. This one is in October. Hopefully I will be able to miss a day of work by then. I haven't even started yet. My Mom is 83. She doesn't look like it and doesn't act like it. She wants to get a new car as the one she drives makes her look old. That's my Mom. She wore her make-up when they removed her kidney. She worries about every calorie she eats. I could go on and on. We are nothing alike.
After our lunch we walked to a resale store.....pityful compared to the ones you all go to. Then she and I walked to my car.....in the 90 plus degree weather. She got in and was having a hard time getting her breathe. Scary. I know it was the heat. I felt bad because I took off for home after she was okay. I have had migraines the last couple days where my vision goes wavy for an hour or so. I didn't want to head through Columbus (Ohio) at rush hour and not be able to see. Okay this post has no significance. Sorry.
BUT a giveaway is coming soon .........don't forget to come back. It's a good one.
Also, it seems I haven't picked a great time for my swap. I will work on some samples and repost again in a couple of weeks. Maybe everyone will be settled into a fall routine by then and we can get some interest. I am talking very simple, easy, swap. That's me.......very simple.
Okay, please be careful in this heat. Those of you in California and
Alaska that are having cooler weather.........I envy you. Yes, you can remind me this winter when we are snowed in and I will still say that I love snow.
P.S. My fridge isn't working. The freezer is but not the fridge.
Not fun. I feel like a pioneer. Sure can't afford a new one so keeping my fingers crossed that the repairman will be able to fix it tomorrow.
After our lunch we walked to a resale store.....pityful compared to the ones you all go to. Then she and I walked to my car.....in the 90 plus degree weather. She got in and was having a hard time getting her breathe. Scary. I know it was the heat. I felt bad because I took off for home after she was okay. I have had migraines the last couple days where my vision goes wavy for an hour or so. I didn't want to head through Columbus (Ohio) at rush hour and not be able to see. Okay this post has no significance. Sorry.
BUT a giveaway is coming soon .........don't forget to come back. It's a good one.
Also, it seems I haven't picked a great time for my swap. I will work on some samples and repost again in a couple of weeks. Maybe everyone will be settled into a fall routine by then and we can get some interest. I am talking very simple, easy, swap. That's me.......very simple.
Okay, please be careful in this heat. Those of you in California and
Alaska that are having cooler weather.........I envy you. Yes, you can remind me this winter when we are snowed in and I will still say that I love snow.
P.S. My fridge isn't working. The freezer is but not the fridge.
Not fun. I feel like a pioneer. Sure can't afford a new one so keeping my fingers crossed that the repairman will be able to fix it tomorrow.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Scrapbook Swap
Is anyone interested in doing a scrapbook swap? This may be confusing, hoping that you can follow along.......Once at Archivers I sat across the table from a lady. She did 50 pages in about 3 hours. She said she was a part of a scrapbook club. Here is how they did it. Each person picked a theme. They made three parts......words, title, journaling block, embelishments, etc. Three parts for each person in the swap. Say for instance my theme was the BEACH. I made the letters B E A C H , I made a sandbucket with a shovel, and a sun shape. (Remember you are making these for everyone in the swap) When you receive your pieces you just add your pictures and parts to your own cardstock. You could use these on two pages and on any size page.
I would limit the groups to 10 people, that's 30 parts. You would pick a theme that most people could use. You would mail your items to me. I would then send you 10 different sets.
Some suggestions:
Not make the items too big so that someone making smaller albums can use them as well
If you get a theme you don't have a need to scrapbook, you could use for a card or a gift tag
Use archival products
Use what you have or make out of cardstock
One time swap or if enough interest we continue using a different host each time
Keep it sweet and simple
OK, are you in? PLease let me know if you want to sign up.
Also what you would like for your theme to be and if you have any questions.
If you have trouble posting on my blog, you can email me at grammypetals@yahoo.com I will work on some samples and post later.
I would limit the groups to 10 people, that's 30 parts. You would pick a theme that most people could use. You would mail your items to me. I would then send you 10 different sets.
Some suggestions:
Not make the items too big so that someone making smaller albums can use them as well
If you get a theme you don't have a need to scrapbook, you could use for a card or a gift tag
Use archival products
Use what you have or make out of cardstock
One time swap or if enough interest we continue using a different host each time
Keep it sweet and simple
OK, are you in? PLease let me know if you want to sign up.
Also what you would like for your theme to be and if you have any questions.
If you have trouble posting on my blog, you can email me at grammypetals@yahoo.com I will work on some samples and post later.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Parade of Homes
It is interesting when I look back on the pictures I took. Fireplaces, sinks, family rooms, children's rooms, art work, bath tubs.....all cozy areas. I almost forgot to take outdoor pictures of the houses. I purposely took those to share with you. My own analysis is that I don't need a fancy exterior or tons of space. It also shows that it is what is inside a house that makes it a home. I will never live in a house as big as these. It's okay if someone else does. I also found out that steps are not kind to someone my age. Oh my those were killers......so many levels. I would need a map to find everything. The homes were beautiful and staged to look that way. My favorite was the Urban Farmhouse....the white one. It used lots of reclaimed wood and older looking furnishings. I might be able to live there. Have fun on the tour. ((((HUGS))))
Some side notes:
The messy boy's room was so funny. Can you read the sign.
The counter top is unfinished granite.....I had never seen that before.
The carnival....the horses weren't functional.....a little weird.
We liked the way that curtain was on the rod.
Loved the cinderella bed and little castle.
The Weim is for Nan.....it had to be as tall as I was. It was at the bottom of the steps, not much lighting there.
Wow, I am exhausted, hah.
Some side notes:
The messy boy's room was so funny. Can you read the sign.
The counter top is unfinished granite.....I had never seen that before.
The carnival....the horses weren't functional.....a little weird.
We liked the way that curtain was on the rod.
Loved the cinderella bed and little castle.
The Weim is for Nan.....it had to be as tall as I was. It was at the bottom of the steps, not much lighting there.
Wow, I am exhausted, hah.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Are you confused?
I have a new header. It sure is a change from my last one isn't it. I was honored to win a giveaway on the blog Blessed Little Nest. It was a new look for my blog by Simply Your Designs. Something about this little plane just reminded me of my lying back and forth to Denver to see my children and grandchildren. I love it. I may need to add some background colors when I figure that out.
Big decisions to be made by tomorrow. More on that in my next post. Happy Tomorrow.
Big decisions to be made by tomorrow. More on that in my next post. Happy Tomorrow.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Family Reunion
We went to my husband's family reunion yesterday. Goose and KT
Bug went with us. After we ate we had an auction. Family members donate items and we auction them off. It was hilarious. Orange cookies are a big thing in the family. Several plates of cookies were sold. Someone left their paper plate and utensils on the auction table and they were even sold, hah. My husband bought some of the cookies......they aren't GF so I can't eat them.
But he did buy me a ME cone thing with some ME items inside. They decide every year who to give the money to. Last year it was to two family members that were battling cancer. This year to the three new brides.
His family is so nice. Very conservative, ordinary people that care about each other.
The girls were wound up on the way home. They had to listen to "Dancing Queen" over and over again. When we pulled into their driveway we had the music blarring and we were all singing.
Today hubby and I are doing absolutely nothing. Everyone needs a day of rest, don't you think. ((((HUGS))))
Bug went with us. After we ate we had an auction. Family members donate items and we auction them off. It was hilarious. Orange cookies are a big thing in the family. Several plates of cookies were sold. Someone left their paper plate and utensils on the auction table and they were even sold, hah. My husband bought some of the cookies......they aren't GF so I can't eat them.
But he did buy me a ME cone thing with some ME items inside. They decide every year who to give the money to. Last year it was to two family members that were battling cancer. This year to the three new brides.
His family is so nice. Very conservative, ordinary people that care about each other.
The girls were wound up on the way home. They had to listen to "Dancing Queen" over and over again. When we pulled into their driveway we had the music blarring and we were all singing.
Today hubby and I are doing absolutely nothing. Everyone needs a day of rest, don't you think. ((((HUGS))))
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