This isn't my dog but a picture from a forwarded email. But it could be Piper. It looks just like him except for the white on his forehead. He has that white on his nose and it's crooked like that. He is the best dog ever. He mothers his older little sister Izzy. If she is outside he won't move from the door until we let her inside. He licks her often. He shares his space. She on the other end runs a roadblock so he won't get closer than she is to me. She will act like she's going to bite him. She has never even looked like she would bite anyone. I think it's just to show him who is boss. Piper was found at the pound. It's a rather sweet story and definitely a God thing. I posted about him in one of my first posts ever. Needless to say he is well loved in this house.
We celebrated Goose's 8th birthday. How can she be 8. She loves to play soccer and boy is she good. Not just a Grammy brag but everyone says so. She loves her big sister and plays so well with her. At night she sleeps in her sister's room in a twin bed. She loves to read. She loves Calico Critters. Grammy and Grampy got her the toy store for her birthday. So now the three 7's are turning 8. She is the first one. So happy that her cousins are here to celebrate birthdays together. These two are in the same grade.

I got my St, Patrick's Day Swap in the mail today. Yeah. So cute. See the one glass cloche. It's a plastic wine glass. I recently signed up for a swap of these. I can't wait to get out and buy the glasses and get started. The little doll reminds me of a spoolie and she is adorable. The other is a magnet decorated with a bottle cap. I have so little decorations for St. Patty's Day and my son was born on that day. So I am so thrilled with all three things and the cute note. Thanks to Michelle and Ashley from California.
Some other good things:
Our two second graders had their music program. Very heartwarming to see them both on stage together.
Our 5th grader had her music program this week. She was really enjoying herself. She is usually so shy. This makes me very happy to see her having so much fun.
I had an upper endoscopy yesterday. They had an anesthesiologist there so we didn't have a repeat of the last one because of my low oxygen levels. It was only 94 before they put me to sleep. Not sure how it was when I was under but they gave me oxygen. Of course when they brought me back to Mr. Cozy it kept dropping to 88. He knows what to do to get me to take deep breaths. As far as the scope....except for the stomach...... things continue to look better than before I went gluten free. The stomach still stays red and irritated. I have pictures. It looks like a sore throat. But it looked like this two years ago and isn't worse. The rest of the day went very uneventful. I was tippy and tired all day. When Mr. Cozy asked what I wanted to watch on TV I said......"Knot's Landing." Oh my. I meant Gray's Anatomy. Today I am better just lazy.
We had snow and ice this week and temps in the single digits. Freezing anyway and then add the wind. BUT, the grands got to play outside two days. Right now I have the window open. It's a little chilly and very windy but oh so nice. Snow is coming on Sunday so these moments are so enjoyable.
Today I got to have a great long conversation with my BFF from Florida.
Baby O. is coming back soon.
Origami Owl has a vintage camper charm. A $5 charm that makes my heart happy.
We went to a new church last Sunday. We are going to go back this Sunday. There was an older lady there that I knew from way back. She didn't remember me but when I was introduced to her, she kept saying wonderful things about me. Even if she is probably made me feel so good. I want to be like that. She even said she loved me......ahhhhhh.
Well, folks.....I will leave you with this for today.
Do something that makes you happy this week-end.