My new job is going to be watching these cuties 3 days a week. We will spend lots of time in the Green Bug transporting to and from pre-school. The girls will go on alternating days.
Now, aren't they cute. They are 3 and 4 but in a couple of months they will be 4 and 5. The youngest is adopted from China and what a sweetie. She told me she loved me twice this morning. Her name is
Anabelle just like my MIL. Curly Girl is going to be the handful.
I have been registered with Sitter City and Care.com. I had several leads but most were for the Columbus area. I called my neighbor and asked to borrow a potato for soup for my BFF. She didn't have any but she told another neighbor that I was looking for someone to watch. The same day I saw that neighbor at the stop sign in our neighborhood. She said someone she knew needed someone.
And this is how I met Curly Girl and

I am supposed to also watch a 13 year old boy that has
Autism.......actually something like it but not exactly. I had him in SACC last year and my son has been his special ed teacher. He moved up to the middle school and was too old now for SACC. My son and I both adore him and this is more like a favor to his family. His mom said he just needed a safe place to go after school.
New babies.......my neighbor had her baby girl on Sept. 1. I was on call but their Grammy got there before I was needed.
Doodle's Mom had her new baby this morning. I did get called at 5 a.m. to go to their house (45 minutes away) and get Doodle and Baby B. off to school and sitters house. I made french toast for them and got them off just in time to return home for my first day with the girls. Wait til you see the new baby's room. OMGosh.......his daddy did an amazing job again.
A week ago it wasn't even painted.....wait til you see it.
Yesterday was Piper's second birthday. Happy Birthday Sweet Boy. We are guessing that it is his birth day but not sure since he came from the pound. What a lucky find for us.
No party this year but he got this sweet flat bunny. No stuffing. Hopefully it will last a couple of days. He was so proud. I had to take about 20 pictures to get one good one......that is if red eyes count for good.
My MIL is home but still very grouchy. She fell in the night Sunday. I think she is okay.
Poor Izzy's tummy is getting bigger. Her antibiotics are almost gone. We are to return to the vet when she finishes them. Sometimes her breathing is better......but she is not improving. We added SamE to her meds four days ago......no change yet. Today I got thistle milk supplements. Not sure how much to give her, I had to do some calculating. So hoping I don't give her too much. I have read online that this stuff is amazing and works quickly. I want her to try it for a couple of days before we return to the vet.
Anyone out there in blog world have anything similar to their pets. She is still eating, drinking and going to the potty. She seems a little different today. Grumpy and that is new.
Okay, I think that I have covered everything that has happened here in the last couple of days. If not I will remember after some rest.