Excuse the poor lighting and the cords. I am using my Kindle. Three things that make me smile. I have been in a funk. Not feeling great but no reason why. I had blood work done but no results yet. I'm not really sick. Two days after that blood test my arm was hurting. I rolled my sleeve and about three inches above the stick was a dark bruize and all between bruising. The nurse checked.it today. She think the vein blew. Next time they will use a butterfly when they draw my blood.
That cute doll I just let love. It came in a box with other dolls a couple auctions ago. Every once in awhile you find a diamond in the rough. More like, more than you bargained for. Yesterday my new doll friend that I meant at an auction, showed me how to restring dolls. As we took this doll apart she told me its history. It was from Germany and probably 1930's. The legs and arms were numbered and probably mass produced. When they came to adding the body they improvised with a cardboard type molded body. It was between World War 1 and 2 and it was a very poor time. I really love the history on some of these dolls. I am keeping this girl for now. She has some imperfections but who wouldnt in close to 100 years.
Today one ofmy favorite stores had an anniversary party. This frame was a special. I put the picture that the photographer took of us. I had to justify paying for the picture, hah. My fairy garden plants died so I picked up these two plants for the pots. They arent real so I wont kill them.
The weather is wacky. It's cold, then its not. Some sun and some cloudy days. Very little snow here.
Have a great weekend.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
The adventures of Hank
This is what happens Hank when you potty on your doggy beds. I think you are marking them so Piper won't sleep on them. You end up on a washcloth with your favorite toy.
Wouldn't it just be nice to not have a wash cloth for your bed. Please don't pee on your clean blanket.
Do any readers have this problem. It is getting old. I must have dropped the wash cloth that he used to lay on. In case you wonder what the huge picture is........its a photo blanket we got for Christmas.
I hope those of you that got buried in the snow are able to move about again. We have been having warm temps. I have been seeing Robins. That is supposed to be the first sign of Spring, really?
That all I have for today. Hugs
Do any readers have this problem. It is getting old. I must have dropped the wash cloth that he used to lay on. In case you wonder what the huge picture is........its a photo blanket we got for Christmas.
I hope those of you that got buried in the snow are able to move about again. We have been having warm temps. I have been seeing Robins. That is supposed to be the first sign of Spring, really?
That all I have for today. Hugs
Thursday, January 21, 2016
On my walls
The high space I decided to just use my baskets . I know that is old school but I think they work here. I like the sign and the aqua lantern for a little of color . I want that area to blend in and not stick out.
The space above the cabinets goes from high to low. This is what is up there now after Christmas. The bike that came with the doll, a handmade wooden bowl, some wooden spools, stars that hold candles and a couple of cute girls. Again, there is a lot going on in one room so trying to keep things simple. It makes it hard when your house was staged so long and the walls were so bare. All this time I couldn't wait to put my things back up and now I keep holding back. So far almost everything you see is new or it wasn't on the walls before. Most of the canvases I got with special deals or gifts.
The other side of the cabinets is not very high. and is a dark area so I used wooden spools , a wooden bowl and an angel.
My Littlest Bears finally are out of the boxes in their new home.
I am so excited to finally put this shelf on the wall. I have had it for a couple of years and it never got put up. Hubby saw it and was worried it wasn't up well. I bumped into it today and it stayed in place. This will change as I find my other things but I am loving it so far.
I ordered this shelf from Décor Deals.......where they have a deal each day. I saw it and knew I had to have it. It is only about 2 feet long but I love the distressed paint. For now my little pitcher collection is there. Also a little frame I bought at Country Living Fair at the Earth Angels tent. It was on sale and the only thing I could afford there.
I am sure some of you are preparing for the big storm. It is supposed to last 36 hours. We are on the cusp of getting the snow. We probably will only see 2 - 4 inches if the map stays were it is now.
My feet are getting better. One area is tender but not bad. I haven't been out of the house very much so I think not wearing shoes has helped.
Well, I guess that's it for now. Stay safe and warm my friends.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
I dropped the heavy laptop skinny side down on my feet three days ago. It hurt to say the least. It isn't too painful now, just when I wear shoes. I don't think I have all the feeling back in my hand yet.
We had an uneventful week-end. I haven't had much pep in my step lately......pun only, not because of my feet. I always seem to drag this time of the year. Taking extra vitamins and protein drinks to boost my energy level.
I went to another doll auction at our local auction center. These are some of new dolls I found. Most will be going to my little retail space. The above baby is staying with me. She is an early Patsy type.
These are just hard plastic but aren't they beautiful.
We had an uneventful week-end. I haven't had much pep in my step lately......pun only, not because of my feet. I always seem to drag this time of the year. Taking extra vitamins and protein drinks to boost my energy level.
I went to another doll auction at our local auction center. These are some of new dolls I found. Most will be going to my little retail space. The above baby is staying with me. She is an early Patsy type.
These are just hard plastic but aren't they beautiful.
A little comp Patsy.
Another Shirley
This guy is so beautiful. No one wanted him because of the bike. But I wanted the bike.
He is so beautiful, I kinda hope he doesn't sell.
And another Patsy.
Well, that's it for today. I hope everyone is staying warm. For our friends down south, I hope all is well after the storms.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
I went a little postal. Meet Pete.
Meet Pete aka Pokey Pete aka Repeat. I have wanted a maileg for several years. Hubby bought me a ballerina mouse this summer on vacation. After seeing Carol's wonderful collection of pixies I went to see what was on Ebay. Not many but I bid on a couple. I am a very low bidder on Ebay and at the doll auctions. But this guy was not being bid on. I guess maybe people didn't want a four foot pixie. But I was thrilled to get him. Well his journey took him all over the place. See his box. He had arrived at my old house Dec. 17. I called the post office and asked for them to grab him off the mail truck and I would come get him. Nope, Mr. Grumpy Postman said he couldn't do. So then he was to be forwarded to the post office here......about 5 miles from my old post office. Well I just got him on Friday. Yep,took him forever to get here. I actually worried about his safety. The person that I bought him from had computer generated my address which took him to my old address even though I changed it when I ordered. Long story, kinda shorter, old Postmaster didn't want to help me get my forwarded mail or Pete. Different Postmaster where I got him made me pay another $10 to get him out of confinement. I need to mention I was at said post office an hour. I tried to argue the additional postage. After being told to step back in the long line while he found the package that had been at the front desk and disappeared. That was a mistake on his part about asking me to get back in the line. I did and here I was again at the front of the line. Being told to step aside while they located him. So I know this is long. About 20 minutes in the "step aside" location. I walked in front of the line and said, Give me the damn package." I didn't actually say that, I think, hah. The postmaster asked if there was wine inside the box. Maybe he thought I was a wino. The box was a wine box. When I finally paid the $10 I told that clerk, "How do I file a damage claim as I can see there will be damage." He agreed. The post master of this office never resurfaced. I knew Pete was worth it so I don't even care. I did call my old post office. The Postmaster must have been to lunch as I got the guy there I like. I explained about not getting mail and he took the time to see why my mail was going to Waldo, Ohio. Where is Waldo (he he)......I have no clue. Anyway he fixed the error. We didn't talk about Pete. I said that I wasn't happy with the Postmaster and I really didn't like him. He said he had to work with him and he didn't like him either. I asked why he wouldn't look up this problem. Clerk said because he probably didn't know how to get online. So anyway, Grumpy Man, that was worth my $10 to know that you are not liked even by your peers.
Back to Pete. He was in this damaged box......way to small of a box. But he was in plastic and he was fine. Now that is until the heavy picture above him fell on him a couple sleeps ago. Wow, that was exciting to hear that when we were sound asleep. I guess command strips don't hold heavy things. Anyway, Pete is just fine. I told him he could stay out all year because I couldn't imagine putting him in another box. He is pleased and so am I. 
Monday, January 4, 2016
New Year - New Beginnings
Our Fisher Boy has found some new reptiles. Don't you love his smile. He never stops going and going. Sometimes he has night terrors and I wonder if it is his little brain just doesn't want to stop. He is so funny how he talks and what he says. He makes us all laugh.
Miss Mabel turned 7. Say it isn't so. She is growing up way to fast. She had her first real birthday party with friends. It was at a place called Glitter, Girls and Grace. They all got their hair done, nails polished, makeup, made a scrapbook page, had a tea party, and made lip gloss. Then they all got to walk the runway.
The little girls all wanted to see her big brother walk the runway. He wasn't as shy as this picture shows. He told me awhile back he wanted to be a model. I asked why and he said that all you have to do is stand there and make a lot of money.
Well, I have something to tell you. We are going to be grandparents again. I'm excited for there to be a new baby. I must also say, I have concerns. This is our youngest and his girlfriend. She has a 10 year old son that is autistic. She has done well with him. Someone asked me how I felt about this whole situation. I said that I sometimes just want to cry. I had so many things that they could use and I got rid of all of it when we moved. So there will be lots of prayers . The baby won't be here til August so we will have some time to get ready.
So here is to a new year and new beginnings.
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