A couple years ago I went to blow a candle out that had been burning most of the day. There was alot of melted wax in the glass container. Somehow when I blew on the candle the flame went back into the wax and hot wax just exploded burning my face and my eyes and all over the table. Trust me, I looked pretty bad for about a week. I still have some small scars but overall I was lucky. So please be careful blowing out your candles.
This candle experience I cringe even to tell you. I was watching a 3 year old (Doodle) and a baby that just turned 1. I put candles in donuts to celebrate the babies birthday. I lit the candle for the 3 year old but not the baby. That three year old is the one with the long red hair in the picture above. I went to take a picture and the next thing I knew her hair caught on fire. I reacted quickly and clapped it out immediately. In the photo I had just taken there was a wild strand of hair sticking out that must have caught the flame. I am such a careful person and couldn't believe this happened. I tried all day to get up the nerve to tell her parents and I kept getting cold feet. When they both got home from work the dad asked if the mom had told me that she was trimming the dogs ear the night before and cut a big gash out of his ear. So that was my open door. Of course they thought it was funny and every birthday since it always comes up. Those that hadn't heard the story are quite shocked. So the moral of this story is......be really careful when lighting those birthday candles with little girls and long hair. (It was only a strand and it didn't even singe it..... but there was a flame instantly.....I was fast( trust me) to react)
Side note. Today I picked up China Girl at pre-school. She refused to hold my hand and was running to the car. She wiped out falling flat on her back in the mud. I was right behind her and tripped but was able to jump over her and not fall. Surprising if you know how unbalanced I always am. She was covered with mud. I had a towel in the car and just told her to sit on it til we got home. She never cried which helped alot. So me and my Motley Crew headed for home in the VW Bug.
Not all that happened today.......I didn't yield in the cross walk and I always do. I didn't see a friend of mine crossing. I was already through when I saw her on the other side of the cross walk. I stopped and yelled that I was sorry and we laughed. Then someone almost sidewacked me a little later. I said outloud, "What the heck are you doing".....except I didn't say heck. Ooops, sorry Olivia I hope you won't tell your mom........but then I told her anyway. I am glad this day is over.
There is SNOW in the forecast, yippee.
Cindy and I are in a challenge to get our decorating done and posted by Thursday. Don't tell her but I had most of it done before she challenged me........she was out of state and I was home all week-end.
Okay I will move on for now. I didn't mean to be so wordy.........but please be careful out there with those candles.