Hello my friends. I was doing pretty good last week posting more often........it has now been almost a week. No I haven't run out of things to talk about. That would never happen to me. I am adapting to a busier schedule and my migraines have returned. Several days in a row now, but the meds cut the pain to about 50% and that's good. Talking, trying to explain something, vision, and my energy level , are all things that are affected. I am supposed to be having blood work done but I can't find a lab close to me that send their draws to Quest. Insurance is such a pain in the behinder. Okay, on with the post. My next post was going to be about these:

But then this happened.......snow.......and you know how I love snow. I want to put up my Christmas decorations, oh yes I do.
My Sweet Hubby cleared my windows for me and left me a snow scraper on my door handle. It also has been really cold.....20's but warmer up a little.
Along with cold weather we get blessed with the buzzards again. They are concentrating on our neighbors in the background of this picture. That's a first, but a good thing as maybe we can get together and get rid of them.
Trust me, this isn't too bad. There are times we can't even see out our windows.
This little one is who I am spending most of my time these days. She keeps me busy. She had me do a 3D puzzle this week. One that changes scenes when you turn it slightly. Well I had already had a headache but it brought on the migraines. She beats me at concentration every time. We have been reading lots of books. She also wants me to do math flash cards with her....she is 4 and the cards are her brothers. She is pretty good at math already.
And here is Baby O thinking about escaping. She is almost walking. She is so much fun when she cuddles. She is non-stop go. What a handful. I will be having her a lot this month as her mama is working out her 2 weeks notice plus starting her new job. 14 days in a row for her Mama to work. now. Then in December Baby O. and her big brother will be going to a day care. Since her mama will be working days this will be less confusing to them all. I am okay with it. I will still see her. I know this will be so much better for them all. Not that I want her to go to day care.......I don't but I will be close by for emergencies and when I want my Baby O fix.
I need to update my thankful things. I don't know where I left off. I think at 5. Remember random and no order.
6. Dropping off my grandson at CrossFit and seeing 8 of us with the last name the same all in one random place. SWEET. My son walked in and said "Wow, there sure is a lot of Messners in here."
7. The owl swap.......some really cute critters making their way to the swappers right now.
8. Being able to keep in touch with all my friends that have moved SOUTH.
9. Living in a beautiful area with hills, changing leaves and beautiful snowfalls.
10. Medicine that is helping my Yorkie control her bladder better. Now I need some for my aging cat. She isn't doing well.
11. When you sweet readers leave me kind messages. Thanks for all the comments on my simple cozy home. They sure made me feel good.
12. Winning a giveaway that I will post about soon. I used to win so many but not anymore. I don't like the helicopter was to register. I know that's not the name.
13. Our veterans. We have had many in our family.......my son, husband, brother, fathers and grandfathers.
14. Thankful that we have ships like the U.S. George Washington that can help out in the disaster of the horrible storm in the Philippines They are able to make water for those that survived. I think that is amazing. My friend's son is on this ship. God Bless those poor people that had to go through this.
15. ( I think this should catch me up. ) A warm home.
Sorry this is getting long........we could use a few prayers this week.
Our youngest son - 27 - has an enlarged heart and will be seeing a specialist.
Our oldest granddaughter- 10 - can't seem to get well. She wakes up with her face swollen, miserable sinus issues and so tired all the time. Her Dad, a teacher at her school, has her miss recess and lunch to bring her home for a nap during the day. She had started her 3rd round of antibiotics and still had to go to the doctor yesterday.
My Mom hurt her back. She had x-rays yesterday. She is not patient at all. I explained that my back took 3 weeks to heal. Hoping it isn't serious.
We have a blogging friend that needs a lot of prayers......Judy.
Okay, I will leave you with all of this......(((((HUGS)))) to all of you.