The giveaway is in my last post.
My cousin is still suffering and there hasn't been any diagnosis. She is still in intensive care. Please keep her in your prayers. I am seriously thinking of taking off for Florida in a few days from Ohio. I have never done this spur of the moment road trip but feel I need to.
Yesterday was the day for Valentine's Day parties at our school. I always go early and pop in the classrooms to say hi to the kids in our program and of course my granddaughter's class. So much fun seeing what crafts, food, and fun they are having. The kids get so excited to see me even though in less than an hour they will be in our program. One of my co-workers and I later had fun looking at the Valentines the kids gave each other. Not much in creativity I'm afraid......it's all about the candy now. The excitement is still there.
I am counting my blessings and trying hard to be positive. I sure hope that things are going well in your corner of the world.
Debby that chest is beautiful!
I am so sorry to hear that your cousin is still suffering and there is still no word on what is going on with her. Still praying here. I have taken some of those spur of the moment trips and never regretted a one of them. If you go be safe! Keep on working on staying positive. Hugs
Debby, I can't imagine the worry for your niece. Whatever could be the reason for this long illness? Making the trip might give a needed break to her family. Yes! Warm weather is headed this way! What a long winter we have had. Where the big white puppy has worn down the snow, there is actually grass still under there! It won't be long now! I just adore your new header. It's so you! Cute as can be. Enjoy your Sunday, school on Monday! E
Happy Valentine's Day!
My Grand is having her school valentine party tomorrow. I LOVED Valentine's day in grade school. Making the boxes/bags and getting the cards. Wish I had them.
Hi Debby, sorry i've not been around for a while, I just wanted to say how much I like your new blog background!
Kat x
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