Saturday, March 12, 2011

The sun is shining

I love this little wall. I love the pictures of my "littles" the crosses and the keys. The sun is shining today and I am going to attempt to get this home back in some sort of order. That hasn't seemed important lately but I think I will feel much better if I at least attempt the chore.
Maybe I will put away the Valentine decorations and put some springy things out. I think I will bake a gluten-free pizza tonight. That's what I miss the most about having Celiac Such a fun meal.........mmmmmmm, I really do need to make one for us tonight.
Not the greatest of weeks. I am questioning my job.....I know I need Spring Break really bad. I just don't get why some kids are so disrespectful. When you work school holidays and snow days we don't get a break. Why do kids think they can swing at you.......geez Lousie.
I have boxes and boxes of Girl Scouts cookies. My Mr. Cozy Blanket gets to eat all of them that I don't give away. I think I will bake some GF brownies for me.
Last night my Hubby asked how I was feeling. I said okay. He then said, "No really." I cried. Hmmmm, guess that says it all.
My K. Bug has been sick this week. Her Mama and Daddy took her to the doctor twice. The last time she was tested for H1N1. I am wondering if they requested this test thinking somehow I might have passed that on to her. The test was negative. I guess I can't blame them.
My nephew made a special trip to give my brother some cigar boxes for me since he was going to see me last week-end. He works for a cigar company but said he doesn't get the boxes often. So nice he rounded me up a few. I think I will get around soon to making some more of these altered boxes.
Oh, I think I will go downstairs and get on the antique computer and retreive some blogs that this laptop kicks me off of. If you haven't heard from me for awhile you might be on that list. My computer is still in the shop. Not sure it can be repaired. I need a new one but I am going to Colorado instead. Yep, you heard me. My daughter booked me a flight for Spring Break. I just know seeing those four little grands will make me smile.
Praying for Japan. So sad. When the last Tsunami happened, I didn't hear about it for days. We were homeless, so to speak. We had just had a horrible ice storm. So much damage and no power. We scrambled to get out of our neighborhood and find a place to stay.....on Dec. 23. I just can't imagine how homeless this is for so many.
I am blessed to have all of you being so wonderful.....blessed to have a home on a hill (even if our roof has a leak)........blessed to have a sweet family.........doggies that fight over my lap........a job (I guess), and things to keep me busy and to look forward to.
I hope the sun is shining where you live and I hope you accomplish all you set out to do.


Donna said...

Dear Debby, You have been having an awful lot of trials lately. I do pray that you get to feeling better soon. BTW, this is going to take time. I know you know that..but it does. There's no way to hurry the process..but the Lord will be with you through it all.

Sorry about your ice storm and computer troubles. Love you!
Donna @ Comin' Home

Daydream Living said...

Hi Debby,
Time is one of the healers to many things, heal your soul with fun things, your grandkids and your children and husband, hope you will have a good time on your coming trip.
Hugs, Maureen

Cindy Adkins said...

Dear Debby,
You are a true inspiration...and I am praying for the people in Japan is so awful that it's beyond comprehension....I live in New Orleans, so believe me, I know first-hand what devastation looks like...but, I am so fearful for the people in Japan...I sure hope that things will settle down there...

You have such a beautiful family--and congrats
on getting the cigar boxes--YAY!!!

janjan said...

What a wonderful grandma you are, the joy just shines out of that smile of yours. You are truly blessed.

Great blog as well.
