I am starting my thankful list. Be prepared this may get personal.
I am so thankful for this little girl. She was my first born grandchild. When I had cancer over 2o years ago my biggest fear was not to live to be a grandmother. I can't believe that my kids made me wait so long to experience this heaven sent gift of this granddaughter. I was so excited anticipating her birth. When Hubby and I arrived at the hospital that day we never dreamed what was happening. On Palm Sunday 7 years ago this sweet girls' Mama had a contraction that never ended. It was called a Titanic. Sweet baby was born in an emergency c-section by a passing doctor. This doctor had no idea what to do when she was born. She hadn't had a heart beat for 8 minutes. Her little legs were all bent and frog like. The nurses said one was broken or dislocated. She was an Apgar of 1. If you don't know about
Apgar scores, that means she was warm and that was all. I did a scrapbook page of her birth. The title was from a Carpenters' song, "On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true." I truly feel those angels were headed to heaven with our Sweet baby and saw our faces and decided to give her back to us. Told you this might get personal. This wonderful child is about as perfect as they come. She has no problems from her birth. She is just perfect to this Grammy.
Another note......her Mama demanded to be taken to the NICU a.s.a.p. to see her baby. When she saw her and stroked her, Sweet Baby literally started talking to her Mama. I have NEVER seen anything like it. Okay, I must stop as this is making me a bit emotional.
On another note........thanks for all your comments. Thanks for not laughing at my stressed out self. Thanks for the suggestions, that I will be taking. I think it's not the days before Christmas that stress me but the paychecks and that is just not going to change. So, I need to just chill.
Nan, that winter ice storm was so bad that the mall was closed on Dec.23 and 24. I cried when we would return to our home to get essentials. It looked like a war zone. Many of our neighbors have gotten generators since. We were only able to get to a hotel because we have a short driveway. Others were so blocked in by the downed trees. Our cars all had get repairs on the roofs.
For those who think I am organized......not at all. I just get myself into too much at one time. I have always done that. Then I feel I have to finish something before starting something else. Then at the last minute I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Why do we use that saying, it's a bit gross.
So Thanksgiving dinner will be here Sunday........I will be the chicken on Sunday morning. It will get done. I am shampooing carpets now before I return to work. Thank you furry babies for the muddy footprints.
On another, another note.......Hubby had an MRI on his knee yesterday.....they called him in a hour.
Not good news.....he has a large tear on his meniscus. He has been in so much pain and so stubborn about going to the docor. We may need some prayers here......most likely he will need surgery.
No sick leave where he works and his office is up two flights of steps. It isn't going to be easy for him.
Be prepared, their will be more thankful posts coming your way............(((((HUGS))))