Recently I was reading my friend's blog post. She had received the Butterfly Light Award. As I was reading her post I was thinking how deserving she was of this award of those who bring light into the lives of others . Little did I expect that she had nominated me for the same reward. Not sure that I deserve this award, but thank you Miss Edna. She is the sweetest person. I was in a Christmas swap with her. She takes the most beautiful photos, mostly of nature and her cutest ever Yorkie rescue, Pogo. Pogo has quite a wardrobe and gets to go on special trips with his Mama. Miss Edna is such a caring person for her family and her house of "dwarfs". She calls her renters "dwarfs". At first I didn't know who she was referring to so I asked. I thought maybe she was the real Snow White, hah. Anyhooooo, thanks Miss Edna.
As with most things there are rules to this award. Here are the conditions:
1. Write an acceptance post, making sure you link back to the blogger that awarded you this award and thank them. You may not add this award to a post with other awards.
2. Individually name and reward a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 9, 999,999 bloggers. You must let them know personally with a comment on their blog or as a "pingback". (I have no idea what that is)
3. Link back to Brenda of or her profile page for creating this unique and special award.
4. Write a short paragraph that is entitled, "How, I'm spreading light or how I am a positive influence.
First of all, I am one that doesn't follow rules well and I color outside the box. But here goes.
Thank you Brenda for creating this award. So many negative things seem to be happening that this is a bright light for any one receiving such a honor. Ok, I know I'm not running for office but I am still honored.
Thank you Sweet Edna for thinking of me for this award.
Now this is the hard part, how do I pick just a few. So many of you brighten my day, day after day. I really had to think about this. Please don't feel bad if you weren't nominated, I still love you.
Nana Diana of is the first person I think of that spreads joy. She is our prayer list leader. She takes care of us when we need it. Her blog always leaves you smiling. It's fun to hear about Sweet Cheeks and her husband. She is always leaving such nice comments on many blogs.
Susie at is also a blogger that takes time to leave caring comments. She has a special relationship with her granddaughter Emma. When Emma comes to visit they have a great time. She also shares about her relationships with all of her sisters. I wish I would have had just one sister.
Viv of
Viv out on a whim truly shares the light with all her little pies. Her pies are her grandchildren. She is quite a colorful artist. Her home and her way of decorating will brighten anyone's day. I recently had the pleasure of meeting her. She is as wonderful in person as she is on her blog. And yes, she had pink hair.
Of Petals and Wool is next on my list. Oh my goodness, this lady is something else. She helps run a dairy farm. She helps deliver the calves, cleans the barns, is a gardener and feeds her farm hands. She has some sweet grandchildren as well. I honestly don't know how she does all she does. You would think that her animals are her children. She takes such good care of them. When she has a break she does some beautiful hooked art work. She is amazing.
I know this is getting long, sorry......
Laurie of
I love a Cloudy Day
wow, what an artist. She is loosing her eye sight from a terrible accident years ago. She still paints beautiful things. She is inspiring just to hear how she manages without seeing well. She used to live in a nest in the sky but now in a condo surrounded by trees. She shares her sweet granddaughter and what it is like to have a child with autism. Her granddaughter is one smart little cookie. Her blog posts are like reading a novel. You'll know what I mean if you check out her blog.
Last but not least, is Penny of
At home in English Valley She is a talented seamstress, loves her family, does volunteer work and has the sweetest granddaughter. (hmmmm, I see a theme here) Her granddaughter is named Penny after her. I have been in several swaps with Penny. Her items are always a real treat. Just one sweet lady for sure.
Now for my paragraph..........
My sweet followers, know that I say it like it is. I don't sugar coat things at all. Sometimes my posts are sad. Sometimes they are full of happiness. When I started writing this blog I didn't intend for it to be so much about my family and my life. And, my life isn't perfect for sure. But, I value each and every moment that I have and believe in making memories. I am thankful for all of the people that touch my life. I am especially drawn to children and I always have been. I am somewhat on their level, if you know what I mean. They are so innocent and say what is on their minds, for sure. Hmmmm, kinda like me. I believe that laughter is healing and that's why I clown. Not just clown around, I clown. So I hope somehow I spread a little light in your day as well.