I grew up in a little town with the population of 100 people counting cats and dogs. Indian Lake was close by and full of memories for me. Hubby and I went home to see our mothers on Saturday. Some of the pics I took then.

This is the little house I grew up in. It is close to the road but mostly farms everywhere. My Dad and Grandpa built this house. My grandparents lived next door. After they passed and someone else owned the house and there was a fire. So sad to think their home is gone.

This is the tree that the youth group that my cousin Jo was the leader for. They planted this tree in her memory. They decorated it for Christmas. I wish I would have decorated it for Easter. It's in a state park at the Lake. The ducks have decorated the little sign.

This guy is my cousin Jo's husband. He just got engaged. He was so lonely and we are so thrilled for him. He met her on Match.com. He was installing the diswasher in one of the 4 cottages he has built. This one was for the below couple. This was my cousin's best friend Kathie and her husband. Kathie and I have been friends for a long time but really bonded when we made the trip to Florida to say goodbye to Jo. They had just moved in two days prior to this picture.

My brother was here to see my mother. He is from Alabama. We look nothing alike, never have.

My Mom in front of her condo with her little dog. She was 85 yesterday. Remember last year's picture of her in the hospital with her little dog. She had a severe fracture to her leg. She was driving 5 weeks later. My Mom has always been taller than me. Surprised when I saw this picture that she isn't anymore. She was mad about this picture because she didn't have all of her makeup on. I told her it was okay that I didn't have any on. That didn't make her happy. We, unfortunately, disagree on alot of things and have very different personalities.

Hubby was visiting his mother while I was visiting mine. She is doing well in her little apartment in a nursing home. She is happy there and we are thrilled that she likes it.
Waiting to see Kelli of "Enjoying the small things." to appear on the Koda and Kathy Lee show. I am to meet a friend at noon for lunch. I hope they hurry up.
My bank had a security breech. I happened to check online on Easter and there had been unknown charges on my account. This is so upsetting to me. I had been ordering a few things with Pay Pal and from Amazon. The bank is working with me, they should. I am hoping that they do a good job or I will switch after many years of being with them. This is my own account, thank goodness, not our family account. But this is a big bank........many customers......you wonder how it happens.
Okay, peeps, hope you are having a good week.
Isn't it fun to go home again? It's hard to see that things are changed and what you remember isn't the same anymore. I know you must have enjoyed the trip. You look happy in all the pictures!
What a nice visit for you. I visited my parents a couple of weeks ago in their senior condo. My dad is 85 and my mother is 82. It's hard to see them age, especially when I live so far away. Your mother still looks pretty spry!
I am happy Jo's husband is engaged. That is wonderful. Wow what a small town you are from!
I did see Kelle.
Debby, So nice to see family pictures. I would be very mad if my bank messed up. I am not an on line bill payer or banker. I like doing business in person. It's all so darn scary. Hope you are having nice weather..it's chilly here. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)
Spending summers at Indian Lake is some of my hsbs most cherished child hood memories. There are many funny stories - many involving him rowing his father across the lake. Matter of fact when he dies he wants a portion of his ashes spread there.
Hi Jill, Remember the song, Indian Lake by the Cowsills! That was going through my mind as I looked at your beautiful family. I am not an envious person, but I wish I still had my Mom...even to disagree with! Thanks for taking us home with you! Love, Penny
Looks like you had an amazing time.
What a dear little town. I can never go "home again" really. Our old house was burned to the ground and the barns taken down. You all look so happy and sweet in your pictures there. Blessings to you- xo Diana
Fun to go back to where you were raised. I love it when I get the chance.
You look great with your mom and brother regardless if there was no makeup. lol
When we talked I remembered we had a lot in common about our mom's. I miss mine very much even though we were so different.
Enjoyed seeing you
Love ya
You have a beauiful family, I just joined your blog, can't wait to look around. Hugs, Lynn
Sometimes mothers and daughters don't see eye to eye, do they?
Great pictures and the stories behind them. The house where you grew up in looks SO much like NY homes.....my mother's was a bit like it!
Security breech? That's not right!!! How scary for you. Hope the bank sees fit to put a PILE of money into your account to compensate you for the problem!!! Right......that'll happen.
HUGS to you dear friend.
Hi Debby-
You certainly have a nice family- the photos are great! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip back home and down memory lane. You are blessed--
I didn't know you were from Indian Lake area? I haven't been in that area for a long time but then I had not gone there very much to begin with. Looks like a fun holiday weekend! Glad your cousin Jo's husband has found a new match for his self. I would like to know which bank had the security breach???? I need to check my own! ~Hugs, Patti
Well that was a nice visit you all had. The yards all look so under control there. Alaska is so wild and hard to contain such a huge difference. Security problems, not good I hope they get that worked out. I have one visa card I use for my Pay Pal account different from my other money. Nan
Your mom reminds me of one of my grandmother. She always worried about how she looked.
It looks like she has a very nice condo and your mom looks well.
Thanks for sharing your family pictures. JB
Sounds like you had a great time visiting everyone back home. I think its great that I wanted to leave you a comment about what you said regarding your childhood home and this post happened to show pics of your grandparent's home. Big coincidence :-)
Take care Debby,
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