I almost missed my blogging anniversary. Yippee......it has been a year now. I have made some great friends. You are such a supportive genuine group of people. I would say that blogging is life changing. It just makes you feel "better about life." It is so hard to explain to those that don't blog what this is all about. I finally quit trying.
My first experience of reading a blog was from my daughter's friend Amy of Prone To Wonder. I loved reading about her travels and her sweet little kiddos. I decided I would love to try to blog. I asked her what to do. I am still amazed that with her information I could actually start my blog. Thanks Amy.
My first follower was Frenchy of Chateau de Fleurs. Thanks Frenchy for being the sweet person that you are. Many posts went by without a comment. Sometimes I thought I was talking to myself. Then out of nowhere you all stopped by. What a wonderful group of people you are.
I didn't mean for my blog to be so personal. If you know me in real life, you should be laughing now. You see I don't know a stranger.
Thanks you all for making blogging so heartwarming. You have all touched me in so many ways. XO
Congratulations. I feel the same way about blogging as you do. Keep up the great blog.
Happy 1st Year. Yes, Blog friends are a very special & caring breed. It's amazing.
A most heartfelt Happy Anniversary, you are a sweetheart!!
A year already time really flies. It is so fun having a blog and I know you enjoy it as I do. Congratulations. A suggestion, you get your blog printed in a book. I did this and the link is in my side bar. I took a clue from Twyla and Lindsey as they printed their with no fear of loosing the entire thing someday. It's rather like a journal of ones life. You can print them in sections not all at once so it makes it more affordable. Nan
Happy Blog Birthday! Doesn't the time just fly by! It's you blog and you can do as you like!
Deb :)
Debby...I miss you too!!
Now for the Anniversary thing....Whoo-hoo
Happy Blogiversary!!!I am sooo glad I found you..or did you find me..oh well we have each other...lol
I will try to call this week..Walker is hoping to come later this week..it has been 10 weeks since I hugged him..I can't wait!!Anyhow...I am soooo happy you blog...and I never meet a stranger either...lol
Hugs and lovin..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Happy Anniversary, Debby.
Happy Anniversary Debby!! I'm so glad you started your blog! It's been such a blessing to get to "know" you. ;)
Debby, You're so sweet! Happy Blogiversary! I'm glad you are here. You're right..no one gets it. :o)
Debby, I love the way you blog. Us scrapbookers have to have our outlet. I love your honesty and your heart. How's 31 going??
Happy Anniversary Debby!~Hugs, Patti
I'm glad you started blogging--you make my days brighter with your posts :)
Well, I DID miss your anniversary. But belated congrats anyway. Isn't blogging fun?
Hi Debby- Congrats on your one year milestone! Hope we're going to see you in May at the barn sale in Marysville. We need to go to lunch again- maybe more towards Columbus, since it's so close. Hope you're doing okay. hugs, Sue
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