Grampy said, "What kind of a dress is that K. Bug has on." It's a little swirly isn't it. I love the name on the headband. Probably to make sure she got on the right bus. They are just so cute........I know, I know.
Updates.......interview went okay but not taking it. I couldn't even get up their driveway.....long, rutted, gullies. And the hours are 1-11:30 p.m. Just 8 nights a month.....just not for me. I am going to keep looking but I will be watching a boy after school that I had in my before and after school program. He has some sort of brain damage and is just the nicest boy. My son was his teacher last year. He loves my son and will be so excited to come to my house because he thinks my son lives here. It's isn't much money at all but something I'd like to do to help out the family. He has aged out being in the after school program.
My MIL is in the ICU right now. Not, sure how serious. She has just been going downhill so much. We will go tomorrow.
My best friend has had her third surgery now. First on a replacement (knee), second one for a bleed from the first surgery, the last one for a nasty infection in the replacement. She now has a port and has to have IV antibiotics for 6 weeks. Not sure that another surgery won't be ruled out. Her husband has heart surgery later this month....Sept. Oh, and they may be loosing their home.
I think that's all the good news I have for right now but it does put life in perspective.