Yesterday getting out of the house helped in many ways. Not saying that it was all good, but while these pictures were taken it was pretty amazing.
This where Mabel loves. It's hard to explain but they have a very steep drive down to their house. Then there house sits at the top of a big hill. There is a flat area and the rest is steep, very steep. They have been told that one of these trees was planted by Johnny Appleseed. I know he was in this part of the country. We have no idea which tree it could be. There is also no proof of this as far as I know. But it doesn't matter. I was afraid since I had been cooped up at home that I would miss the beauty on this hill. I watch Mabel and her brother M. after school on Tuesdays this year. Which is pretty amazing that with the new fitness studio and my son's job that you never know what will come up, that I am only needed one night. But things still happen. Last night my son called to tell me that M. had basketball practice. M. said no that it was on the calendar for tomorrow. But my son said, that was a mistake. He needs to go there at 5:45 and that means that you need to leave right this minute. "Sorry, Mom." Getting M. ready to go anywhere is like moving a turtle. He always forgets everything. (I am hearing that our other 2- 8 year old grandchildren, are all like this, too) Well, Miss Mabel will tell you or him what he is forgetting. "M. your water bottle". He was combing his hair in the bathroom when he should have been getting his shoes on. Then Mabel stuck her head in the bathroom and told him at lunch she was telling all her friends that he always is combing his hair and how funny they thought that was. Can you imagine five years olds laughing about that. Well, Mabel asked if she could wear her flip flops, and of course, I said she could. So off we go. We get there and both of them think I should go into the school to watch. I went in for awhile and talked to my friend in the SACC program where I used to work. I peeked in on M. and there no other adults there. Mabel went in the gym and did a couple perfect cartwheels and soon we were back in the car. When we got home I grabbed my camera that had no media card. Luckily it has an internal memory. It was beginning to rain. It was just beautiful out. Mabel wanted to swing so we walked around a little bit. I was snapping pictures and all of a sudden we knew something was coming. Three deer raced by us. The one stood behind a tree and just stared at me. I think he thought I couldn't see him.
Now these pictures make Mabel's hair look all fluffy. I sent one to her aunt in Colorado. She replied,
" Put her on a plane, please."
This is at the corner of their driveway. The steep part starts right there.
Miss Mabel. Oh and by the way she has been getting purple at school. That's the highest. Her brother said in the car yesterday that he was well behaved at school (true) but that Mabel was "unbehaved"
Just enjoying God's beauty.
We were looking for a rainbow since it was raining. We couldn't find one.We have several of these. It looks like she has a lot of hair but she doesn't.
If you look closely you can see the deer. See the one behind the tree looking at me.
The old castle next door.
The side of Mabel's house. I love there screened in porch. See the pillars. It looks a lot like ours in the front.
And then the sun set. It was so beautiful. You could see more than what would show up.
Mabel wants me to come to her school for her Halloween party. She always wants me to come to their house when all the families and the kids come before trick or treat and after. They are in town and parking will be hard to find. They will all walk from there.
Mabel never left my side the whole time I was with her. She missed me and I missed her. That girl has my heart as the others do as well.
I stopped to see my 11 year old granddaughter yesterday for a few minutes. She wasn't feeling well. She is still a little girl and not ready to be a pre teen. She said, "Grammy, what are you dressing up as this year." Isn't that a hoot.
The day ended by Hubby trying to cheer me up at our favorite Mexican place in the village. We totally avoided the sad issues. Just knowing he knows that just being together is enough.
(See, I didn't make you sad this time)