Today is a special day for Janet and the Village of Granville, Ohio. This winter Janet and her brother along with other young high schoolers went sledding one day this winter. They were sledding on the local golf course where it is prohibited but the kids still go there and the golf course doesn't prevent it. Well Janet hasn't been home since . She has been in Children's Hospital in Columbus. Janet ran into a tree that day and is paralyzed from the shoulders down. I hear that there is some movement in her arms but the rest of her body will remain motionless. Her parents have been staying at the Ronald McDonald house all this time. Her brother has been staying with friends. Our great village has raised over $100,000. Her home is a tri-level and needed to be remodeled just for her to come home. You can see the elevator on the outside of the home. She will stay downstairs but will come upstairs by elevator. I think it is on the outside so that she can get out of the car. There has been countless volunteers working at her house for days. Today is the big day. As I came home this morning I could see flannel ties on poles that will be her route home. (I didn't know her personally but there is one backyard between our backyards......she lives just outside our neighborhood, and I have watched her through the years get off the school bus) If you look closely you can see the flannel ties on her fence. I guess she loves flannel. Flannel has been her theme all throughout her recovery. Every picture I have seen of her has this gigantic smile from ear to ear. I was excited seeing the signs and the ties. When I pulled over across the street to take pictures my heart sunk as the oxygen truck pulled in and backed up. Then came a nurse in a car. I knew she must be due to arrive. Neighbors and strangers will line the way home on also the last day of school. I'm sure her classmates will be some of those smiling and cheering. But even though I am excited for her and her family, I am sad for them. So many things have changed now for them. The money the village raised will go for her special wheelchair, the remodel, and a special van. They don't have all the money they need yet but they will. So far all I have done is take cookies to the workers. I hope to be able to help the parents once she is settled.
SO, hug your babies and your family. Life can change on a dime. We just never know. I know everyone is thankful that Janet has survived and that she will make her life the best possible. May God Bless this family and our wonderful community.

I am hoping that Janet gets comfort from being back in her newly remodeled cozy home.
You never know how many friends and people from a community comes to help until something like this happens. You are right about how fast life can change almost like snapping the finger. I will say a prayer for the family. I always think it is harder when a child is involved for all of us. As you said hug your child or grandchildren. I have been reading blogs this rainy stormy day. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.
oh I love how everyone has come together for this family. What a nice community you live in. I will pray for this family. You never know what the day will bring when you wake in the morning! XXOO
life is precious. wishing all the best to this family as their journey continues. hugs,
Oh Debby, I am like you...blessings to this family. It is going to be a rough time, they will learn and make it a routine. You said it , life can change in the blink of an eye. Faith will see them through. xoxo,Susie
Debby-How sad-we just never know what life is going to hand us, do we? God bless this young girl with her whole life ahead of her-not going to be lived out in the way she imagined. I'll pray for her- and I am glad she is going to be able to come home- xo Diana
That story hits close to home. My son had a similar accident and slid into a utility pole breaking his leg in two places with the bone sticking out. It could have been worst.
I hope that she will get strength from all the support and love of the community is giving her. I'm glad that she is finally coming home.
Thanks for sharing that touching story.
Hugs, JB
I think it's wonderful that the community is pulling together to help this family. May God bless them.
You have a wonderful night, hugs, Edna B.
May God bless Janet, her family, and your community. Thanks for sharing.
I think it's wonderful how the community has helped this family. Renews my faith in mankind. I will keep Janet in my prayers.
What a great community! You are a great example to the rest of the country with a story and photos like this. Good for you all!
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