I know, I know, it's worth turning your head for. I didn't take many pictures this past week-end. The fun part was getting to see my friends Sue and Murphy again. I see that there is someone else in our photo. Hmmmmm. wonder who that person is?Could that be Kathie of SylviaS VintagE Daughter. Is this not a magnificent tree. Every time we go to this sale...... we have to stand and stare at this view of the hill and pretend we are in Ireland. 
You must have had lots of fun there! Enjoy your outing the weekend!!
Loretta xx
Hi Debby, You looked like you had lots of fun. I enjoyed your previous post. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.
I wish I had been there! I love Sue!
oh I love that little lamb! have fun.
Love your vase!! And the little lamb is so cute too!
Such a beautiful vase. I can see why you pretend that you are living in Ireland from the picture. Gorgeous. The weekend is nearly here. I can't wait!
Hi Debby, I have a sore neck so I turned my laptop on the side to see the photo, ha,ha,ha.....
Love the lamb and the photo of the sheep on the green hill. That does look like Ireland.
Have a great friday.
I gotta teach you how to edit your pics so they come out right and your peeps don't have to strain their necks to look at them sideways! LOL Talk to you soon. xo Sue
Those are gorgeous photos!
Debby, Fun, fun, fun. I love the vase. xoxo,Susie
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