I have so enjoyed seeing everyone's homes with their holiday best. Loved all the family photos and the memories shared. I am hoping that everyone has survived this holiday and have many new memories to share for years to come.
My Hubby and I are in Colorado visiting our daughter and her family. We are celebrated to the max. We enjoyed all of our get togethers with all of our children.
Tonight we are watching our grandchildren while their parents get a night out. Not sure we will still be awake when they get home. As I look around the room it seems that I am the only one awake.
My back up computer also bit the dust since my last post. Not sure when I will be back to normal after returning home. I am ready for a computer that works.
Yesterday in the middle of presents I had a melt down that was totally unexpected. My daughter had made some photo books of our trip to Hilton Head. All of our grandchildren were together for the first time. She had lots of pictures of the cousins together. I started reading the quotes that were with the pictures. Suddenly I broke down with memories of cousin Jo. It was the hardest I have cried since her memorial service. I still can't believe that those quotes did that to me. I guess it goes to show that memories last forever and why it is so important to have family and friends in our lives. Sometimes all we have are the memories. Treasure each and every one.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Happy Birthday Baby Jesus

Merry Christmas my friends. This will be last post before Christmas. Things are suddenly getting busy here. Those three little girls are having a sleepover tonight.....what was I thinking. We are making bottle brush jars. Tomorrow my son and his family from Colorado will be here for another Christmas. Then another Christmas with another son and my Hubby on Friday. It is my dream someday that we can have one big Christmas with everyone. Then on Saturday morning Mr. Cozy and I leave for Colorado. We will be spending the week with our daughter and her family. I will try to check in with you while I am there. So have a great holiday and enjoy your families and make lots of COZY memories.
Photos........handpainted manger scences from a friend
The santa and Mabel's doll were made by Pat from All Is Bright. Oh my goodness are you loving them.
Little girls unwrapping presents......by moi, should have hidden that TV cord.
PS. Mother Dear is feeling a bit better. Back to the doctor for her tomorrow. My brother is coming from Alabama to be with her for the holidays.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Is it nap time

We have had two Christmases so far. Saturday with the Moms. Hubby with his and me with mine. My Mom isn't feeling well. I just talked to her on the phone and she says that she is better but with tears. That's not good.
Last night we had Christmas with our son and his family. The ones that live here. We had a nice dinner, watched Four Christmases, opened presents and all had our fingerprints taken. Hah, I got K. Bug a forensic kit. They sang Jingle Bells to us. Goose learned it at school and taught it to her older sister. Goose has a memory that blows us all away.
Tomorrow my two grandkids come to visit. The ones that are home from Colorado. Then Wednesday it is a sleepover with K. Bug, Doodle, and Goose. Thursday my son arrives from Colorado. We have our Christmas with his family on Friday. Then Saturday morning we fly to Colorado to our daughters for Christmas. So............................................................I think today I will take that nap with Piper. Is that okay with Christmas so close.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Gifts on the go

I am officially on a two week vacation. Non-paid but still a vacation. I ran errands today. Oh my, people are grumpy out there. I saw some finger gesturing going on and some horns a honking. Slow down people and cheer up. I had a rough time telling the girls from the boys......geez what is up with that.
Off to do Christmas with our Mamas tomorrow. We will be doing things a bit differently. Hubby with his mom and me with mine. Mine is sick. I need to help her do a couple of things.....like get her car from the repairman, etc.
The computer I am on is as slow as a sloth. It won't let me read some of your blogs. It also won't let me leave comments on some. I am asking (begging) for a new computer in the New Year.
Okay that's about it for now. Ho Ho Ho.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas Keepsake

The reindeer is the child's hand. The footprint is the sleigh. Santa's head can be a thumbprint. The child or the adult can add a few special touches to complete the project. Use some glitter for the stars and paint snow for the bottom of the picture.
This can be tricky getting the right placement. Painting their feet tickles them. A little bit messy as well. But I have done this for years and the parents love it.
On another note my computer died. I am using our backup which is slow as Moses. I don't know how long it will last. So if I disappear and you need me, shoot me an email.
Hope you are checking off your Holiday List..........be nice not nauty.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Inside looking out

A basket full of all the catalogs for Christmas. Geez, how many trees were used for those crazy things. The frame is many different years of my children on Santa's lap. There are ones with the first born only, of the original trio, the youngest alone and also with his birth sister. Very special pictures.

So this is my house in it's Christmas glory.
Plain and simple but COZY.
Plain and simple but COZY.
(((((HUGS))))) to all.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Outside looking in

Of course, Santa is the star of the season but we need to always remember the reason for the season.........

The bank cashed my check. There were some giggles about it but not to my face.
My cards are mailed as some little packages. My decorating is done. Several things still in the boxes but I am pleased as I don't like it to be all cluttered up. My presents are all wrapped. So now there is Peace in my house. I still have things to do but Christmas is under control. It amazes me, but it gets easier through the years.
I remember when I worked at a Montessori day care. They parents were so stressed the first couple weeks of December. The kids were a mess. It dawned on me that it was from all the pressure of getting the tree and the decorations, the presents, the cards, and the parties. Then things seemed to settle down the next couple of weeks. I have learned from seeing what it did to the parents and the children that things need to slow down for everyone's sanity. It all gets done somehow. So hoping that you are all taking time to enjoy and to rest. Happy Holidays my friends.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Santa is in the house (Well kinda)

All gussied up for Christmas. Somehow I missed that part of the instructions. Can you tell which one is mine, hah.

Thanks Cindy for hosting this swap. Thanks to all that made these sweet homes.
I hope your sweet homes have a bit of Christmas cheer. You don't need alot to make it sparkle. My wish for you is that you take time to take care of yourself during this crazy busy holiday season.
Piper chewed a hole in my babysitting check. Just happened to be half of the account numbers and half of the signature. Will they take the check? I will let you know. It might help that the person works at the bank.....we will see.
Piper chewed a hole in my babysitting check. Just happened to be half of the account numbers and half of the signature. Will they take the check? I will let you know. It might help that the person works at the bank.....we will see.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Do you have a best friend

Later that evening Doodle's parents went to a Christmas party. I took care of all the little ones. I finally got the boys to sleep but those little girls chatted to the wee hours. I slept with the 18 month old. That was interesting. He'd reach over and pull my hair every so often. I think he wanted to make sure I was still there.
If you haven't talked to your best friend in awhile give them a call and say hi.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Thank you Ruby Jean

Updates: I watched 4 darlings over the week-end. Got to sleep with an 18 month old..... whoa that was an experience. Still no snow here just lots of rain. Finished the grandchildren's Christmas.
Not much left now. I think I mentioned this before. Quaint toy shop, no crowds, and they wrap. I went to Barnes and Noble this week-end and had to leave.......the crowds swallow me up. I went to see Santa and Mrs. Clause. Pictures to follow. So far this season has been pretty mellow for me. Hope it stays that way. Hope you are all surviving.
Not much left now. I think I mentioned this before. Quaint toy shop, no crowds, and they wrap. I went to Barnes and Noble this week-end and had to leave.......the crowds swallow me up. I went to see Santa and Mrs. Clause. Pictures to follow. So far this season has been pretty mellow for me. Hope it stays that way. Hope you are all surviving.
Friday, December 2, 2011
little bit of Christmas

No special camera or lighting so look past that.
This chair was passed down to my father. It has to be at least 100 years old. The teddy bear was a gift for my anniversary from my hubby 9-12-11. I bought the doll because it looked like my daughter.
The wagon in a favorite of mine. I love it. In the newest PB catalog there was a small glimpse of one like it with Christmas things in it.
These are the little trees that I put out instead of a big tree. It looks kinda jumbled up with the cabinet in the back. But, really it doesn't look like that in person, you have to trust me.

Boyd's bears here.

Another view, sorry about the cords. The trees are tucked in the corner to avoid furry babies and little curious people.

Brownie. Do you see what it says "Holiday Flash". I was cleaning it up and my husband saw it. He said he had the same camera and told me how it worked. Usually he doesn't get why I have these things but this one brought back memories. How cute is that little angel looking at you. She was a gift from a friend that paints beautiful faces. (I also have the little instruction book that came with the camera. There is a penciled in date of when it was given as a gift....1956.....thanks Murphy for finding that for me at the sale)

A bear from my cousin Jo. So many of my Christmas items came from her. Glad to have the memories. The little desk it is sitting on is supposed to be from CHina and 100 years old.

A new little ME wreath from my sweet friend Genie.

More to come later. I am trying to make it simplier every year.
I am headed out to a toy store to see if I can find a little gift for Mabel. She wants a baby carriage for her Calico Critters. It's a fun store that has lots of little stocking stuffer like toys.
Are you getting in the holiday spririt. Sometimes it is hard. I had one of those weeks nut it is time to move on.
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