My dear blogging friends I have decided to start something new on my blog. When you see this word COZY it will be to introduce you to a COZY friend of mine. I am so excited for you to visit and meet my new COZY friend Angie of Hillsboro, Ohio. Yeah, she is a Buckeye. Her blog is at
http://becauseidontwanttoforget.blogspot.com/ . The following picture is one Angie posted this week. Don't you love the name of her blog.
Blogging to remember those precious moments. She is a mama to some sweet little people. They are so cute. You know how I am about little ones. I don't even know how I found her, or maybe she found me. So you COZY followers go over and tell Angie hi and follow her if you'd like. I am so glad that I found her. I know you will be too.
I will go check her out!
The puppy is Teddy when he was a puppy few years ago :)
Hope you have a super week-end and i love the Dino nursery! So cute!!
What a great idea! I LOVE cozy! I will go visit your friend..it is always fun to find new blogs! xo Diana
Aww, THANKS!! You are are SO sweet :)
What a great idea!
How fun! Nothing like the word COZY!
Love this idea!!!
I am gonna go over and check her out....
I so enjoyed our time together. So mice to finally meet you after over a year of following you on your blog.
Thanks also for the lovely little gifts.
Hi Debby. How sweet of you to share a blogger with us! Thanks for stopping by to visit. I saw that you visited the Country Living Fair in Columbus. My daughter was there with friends for a Bachelorette Party! Isn't that a great idea? Anybody can do silly things and embarass themselves. Real ladies go shopping!
Thanks for sharing...I do love that word, it's so cozy! LOL :D
What a sweet thing to do. She has some cute little ones..and I love that quilt on their table. :)
I just thought I'd drop by and say hello Debby since it's been awhile.
I always love seeing you.
This is such a wonderful idea! I have yet to meet Angie!
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