Grammy and the girls. Goose not happy. The picture before she wanted in the spot that her sister took.
A rainy day at the ice cream factory. (Yes, we went there in the Spring but K. Bug didn't get to go) We were going for lunch and ice cream. Since my little grands are picky eaters we had ice cream and went later to McDonalds for Happy Meals. The girls were a little sad because their Mama is sad. She is loosing her grandfather any day now. The girls did perk up at McDonalds. They ate and played at their indoor playground. It is a bit unusual, small and just alot of fun. When we returned their Mama had just returned from a visit to her grandfather and seemed to be a little more at peace. The girls went straight into the bathtub.
We all start school this week. Their Mama and Daddy are teachers. So this will be a busy week in many ways.
Friday evening our slumber party with the same grands and Doodle went well. They can be rather loud.
Sunday I had a 6 hour renewal class for my new job,. One down two to go. Today I had a shot (DaTP) and a tine test.
Sunday my husband and I spent a long time getting burrs off Piper. What a mess. They were making him sick. He tried to get them off himself and ate them and really didn't feel well. Wouldn't you know he got back in them early this morning. Hubby and I were outside in our jammies trying to figure out where he was getting into them at 6:00 a.m. Also on Sunday we went to see Eat, Love and Pray. It was okay. Maybe I should have read the book first. Very slow and some good parts. Hubby was bored.
The evenings are cooling off......Fall is on it's way. Yippee.
Hope your week is going well.
Remember that give a way. Well it was supposed to be CSN. I've decided not to do it but I will be giving away something when I reach 75 followers. This time for my followers. You don't have to comment to get a chance. I will choose from my list. So be watching for that to happen soon.'
(((((HUGS)))) You all.
The kids went back to school today here. You are having fun with your grands, mine are all grown up.
We started today too! First week is always an adjustment.
Love the pictures of the kids adn the update. I'm glad it's cooling off too! It's been a rather warm summer. Looking forward to see what you do for your giveaway!
thanks for your good wishes! yes, this is my second knee replacement on the same knee. the first one lasted 18 yrs so it was old and had to be replaced. Hugz, Z
It sounds like you are feeling a bit better..I hope so. We had a cat that got into burrs, what a mess, he was a long hair and it was a nightmare. Good luck with that.
Oh Debby! I have always wanted to take a tour of Velvet! Yes I am as happy as can be that we are having cool weather this week. Wonderful! I am so regretting not visiting you Debby. I know I became anxious over the mix-up in locations. When embarrassed, retreat seems to be my motto. Don't give up on me yet! Enjoy our weather! Elizabeth
Hey girlfriend..I'm back!!That looks like a lot of fun with the grandgirls. It was so hot where we were..nobody wanted to be outside.I hope your week at your new job goes well this week. I will be praying for you!!
Hugs..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
How blessed your grans are to have you! I miss my grandparents everyday. They were fabulous.
Poor dear Piper.
I read Eat, Love, Pray a few years ago. Could not understand what all the hype was about. :)
Looks like a fun place to go..I a, having some of my grands over for a sleep over tonight before school starts too :D
I have 2 weeks with the kids...I think it could be fun to go places and no one is there because the other kids are in school :)
I want to see Love, eat , pray ...Will see. Thank you for saying hi. Loved your post :)
Hi Debby!
Thank you so much for visiting me, that Brenda is a great lady isn't she? You are a great Grammy, and for what I can see your husband too, they should be proud of the two of you! Hope you have a good day!
What a great post! I always enjoy seeing you and your babies. I got brave and put mine on my site today and just crossing my fingers that my DL doesn't cause trouble for me doing it. Please don't mention it ...hahaha
but she is the reason I don't have them on my sidebar...
She is a great mother so I should not complain
You sure have fun with those kids!
You know...I bought that book for several people and not myself!!! LOL! I really want to read it first, so I guess I should buy it. Maybe I can borrow it from someone I bought it for.
School, school, school, it's such a busy time of year. I can't wait for things to slow down a little. OH, and cool down. It just finally got SUPER hot here. Can't wait for Fall, it's my favorite.
Sorry I haven't stop by much this month. It's been so hectic, since school started at the beginning of the month for us.
Love the banana split,
Oh, happy back to school!
what sweet family photos.
I went to that movie also, so glad I went with a girlfriend and not my dh! he would have hated it!!! Chick Flick all the way.
thank you for the blog visit
shona cole
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