This is her husband Rodney. He cried during the ceremony. The sweet boy is Ally's. He is one and a half. Rodney has been in her life for 8 years and they are very young. Ally had broken up with the little guy's father before she knew she was pregnant. Rodney was there for her since day one. So her son has only known Rodney as his father. They love each other, it is so obvious.
This is Meghann, and my God daughter. She is 15. Such a sweet pretty girl.
This is me. It's kinda like, What I wore today. I have this crazy put this together with that kinda way to dress. Dresses are impossible for me. I hate to shop. I have a couple long skirts with subtle ruffles on them. I add different tops to them for a dressier look. I had gotten this top to wear on the cruise and didn't. It may have been supposed to be a very short dress. It has a little polka dot ruffle on the neck. I wouldn't go sleeveless so I added this blue long sleeve top. I wanted to wear my Origami locket with the owl and blue stones. My husband looked surprised and said I looked nice. I don't dress up much......not in my line of work.
Okay enough of that.....back to the wedding. The bride's mom did all the decorating and cooking....with help from family members. She didn't do the wedding cake. Something happened to the cake. I over heard it looked awful and wasn't at all what it was supposed to be. I loved how they put this Willow Tree bride and groom on the little cake. It went well with the nature look. There were two other cakes on stands as well and pies, oh my. I had to leave before desserts, and that was probably a good thing. Also they had made a tree from gold wire. It had hearts, keys and crystals on it. Guess where they ended up getting the cakes.....Walmart.
This is a money tree that was placed by the box for the cards. It also had keys on it. Lots of money......all different dollar bills......I don't know who it was from but I loved the idea.
Here is another view of the desserts.
And here is Sherry, Ally's mom. She was our respite person for our youngest son when we needed help the most. I can't believe how we ever made it before her help. She was and still is a wonderful giving person. We got to be very good friends and we still are.
Ally is so much like her mother. She now cares for brain damaged adults. She was always such a big help to her mother when she was younger. You knew she would be an amazing mother and care giver as well. Good job Sherry. Sherry was and is a single mom.
I hope you didn't fall asleep and enjoyed the wedding as much as I did.
Debby, I think this is the best kinds of weddings....not over the top with money spent that would go toward a household account, know what I mean. I think Rodney has a gentle heart, hope it's treated with love. Strange about the little girl's mom. Blessings DEbby. xoxo,Susie
P.S. nice your husband complimented you.
What a sweet story of the wedding and your dear friends. There was lots of love to go around that special day. The story of the little girl is so sad, but maybe something good is going to come of this story, You look so cute in the photo. Like the blue against your hair, Take care…hope the owls are coming in. Hugs,genie
Thank you for sharing! I love weddings, and this one seems like the best kind - organized with love by family and friends :) Wishing the best for the little girl.
what a beautiful post and I remember you telling me about the cake problem, the Walmart cake is perfect! I bet it tasted good too!
Oh- Debby- What a heartwarming story. You can tell that girl is as beautiful inside as she is out! I love how much her new hubby loves her and those two babies. I hope that mother gives up full custody to them so that there is not some heart-wrenching scene down the road when she decided to play Mom.
The wedding looks like it was lovely...and cake is only biggie. I hope they have a happy, blessed life.
You look just beautiful-all smiles and full of Happy! Love that about you. I don't go sleeveless anymore either. I wouldn't dare with SweetCheeks around.
Hope you have a great night, Debby! xo Diana
How could someone not want their own baby? Well, I say that, and my mother didn't either. But today they can have abortions. Why bring unwanted children into the world? I know that is controversial for some people. But I've done stories on young parents that end up killing their babies, so I'm an advocate for pro choice because that broke my heart.
The wedding looks lovely and I always think it's touching when the guy tears up. Shows they have a sweet heart. They look like a happy couple.
Debbie, I had to re-read just to make sure I was reading correctly..this bride and groom are truly gods angels!! They clearly have so much love to give! I pray god pours his blessings upon them!..
May their love continue to grow as BIG as their heart!!
I did enjoying seeing all your great photos of the wedding...and she is, indeed, a beautiful bride. :)
xo bj
I have to agree, this is the best kind of wedding. Everything important without the expense of unnecessary frills. The wedding couple are just beautiful. I wish them many happy years together. I do hope that they end up with custody of that sweet baby girl. I loved your photo. You look so happy. Take care and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
What a sweet family I sure hope they try and legally adopt the little girl before the Mom decides she wants her back!
I dress up for church. Being in Alaska it's not exactly a dress up place you know but I'll tell you every single day I wear make up and don't own a single sweat shirt or sweats of any kind, and no T-shirts either, knit tops and levis yes!
Dear Debby, I loved your post. You have the softest heart, and share your feelings so openly. It was a lovely wedding, and I wish the new family nothing but happiness and love. As for that sweet little girl, she is so fortunate to have someone who will care for her. It breaks my heart to know the woman who gave birth to her does not care. Wish there was some way to help.
P. S. You looked lovely! Love, Penny
Oh good Lord, Debby. I just wrote to you and spelled your name with an "ie"..I've sorry. I get the spelling of Debby mixed up. Weddings are always nice but I never think I look right. Being a blue jeans and t shirt type of has taken a back seat for me.
Hi Debby. The wedding couple looks so in love. That is a very sad story about her best friend's baby. Thank you for visiting my blog today!
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