To call the firetruck do you. This one would take awhile to get to you. It is about 58 years old. Our youngest son beat this one up a little but it is still special......................Because this firetruck belonged to Mr. Cozy. He was a little sad that it was played with a bit rough. You got to know our youngest. He was a bull in a china cabinet, as they say. The next picture is proof that it was his. He got it for Christmas when he was five or six. He was a big boy, wasn't he. I would have guessed he was older but he was five years older than his baby sis that is sitting next to him.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Vanilla Snowflakes/Please read
While candles make us all warm and cozy, there can be danger. A few years ago I had been burning a candle that was given to me that had been hand made. The wax had all melted. When I blew out the candle the flame went into the wax and exploded. If you are shaking your head saying that can't happen, it really did. Wax was everywhere, including my face. It was all over my clothes and all over the table that the candle was sitting on. Hot wax even went into my eyes. I was babysitting, of course. I tried not to panic. I called my son who had just left my house from picking up his little girls. He came back to help me. I was in alot of pain but we didn't know what to do. I called the baby girl's mom and told here to come pick her up. Meanwhile while talking to the hubby by phone, we decided to go to my eye doctor. We called and she said she would wait on us to get there. She put a contact in the eye that was injured the most. It acted like a band aide. I have never even tried contacts.....let me tell you that it really helped. She had me use burn ointment all around my eyes and face. The next day we returned early in the morning (son driving, of course). She called a surgeon who saw me right away. He took that contact out (ouch ) cleaned the eye and put drops in and the contact back in. My eye doctor told me that day, if I could live through the pain for a week my eye would heal. It did. Yes, I have scars around my face but my eyes healed. I looked like I had been in a fight for a couple of weeks. So my dears, please do not blow out candles. Snuff them out. Don't let the melted wax build up. Be careful near the flame. I once lit a birthday candle and Doodle's one strand of hair caught fire. I had it out in a second but that was scary. Hold your children's hair when they blow out candles. I have already seen pictures the past few days when the flame was way too close to something. I knew that I needed to post this once again. You don't want ...........................................................................
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Keeping Christmas Simple
Some of these treasures are from my bloggy friends. Do you see something that you made for me. I am only beginning to start decorating. But this year I am taking it slow and keeping it on the simple side. This little shelf I refinished last summer. It will change over and over again before I get it right.
I remember one of my pre-school students telling me that they put up their stockings and a Santa on the mantle. They decorated a real tree as well. And that was it for decorating. The parents actually went to Target the three hours he was with me and did ALL of their shopping. I will always remember how unstressful that must have been. Good for them.
I remember one year having some sort of injury and not being able to shop early. I went to Kohl's and bought almost everything on my list. I had Doodle with me. She wasn't very old but I was still able to do all that shopping. It was probably 8 years ago. I remember spending over $300. (Only one grand at that time) It was a good feeling to do so much at one stop. I'm sure there was more spent on Christmas that year but not alot more.
One year our kids and I decided we would do a $25 gift for each other. It could be made or we could buy it but we had to stay to that amount. The grands weren't included. I loved that. It was fun coming up with ideas. For instance. for my son I got a shadow box frame at 50% off and filled it full of his Army mementos. For some reason we only did this one year. I wish my kids were more into handmade gifts but they are so busy with life, work and kids that it is hard for them. They aren't too crazy about getting homemade gifts......not like I am.
Lots of years I have done themes. Like jammies and books. That simplifies the shopping as well.
There have been years when I got discounts and everyone got their gifts from that vendor. For instance, I worked part time over the holidays at a print shop for a friend. Everyone got personalized paper gifts. Another year I sold 31. I used my starter kit items and discounts for gifts. It was fun as I could put their gifts in those items. I didn't plan on selling 31 for very long, so this saved me lots.
Most of my shopping is done for this year. That is because of the money I found. I ordered gifts online. So that made it simple as well.
When I was setting up the Cup of Kindness Cup Swap (Swappers please follow to the bottom to read some information about the swap) When I made up an example in the blue mason jar, I had an idea. Wouldn't it be fun to do every one's gift in a mason jar. It wouldn't have to be the blue ones, hah. You could put gift cards and small gifts. I may even do that with the big kids this year, but they won't get my blue jars, hah.
Simple is fun and not as stressful.
The little shelf I refinished this summer. Another Putz house that I bought years ago. Little Eve as a baby.
This cute putz house was made by the other Elizabeth from Tennessee in a house swap last year hosted by Cindy from Ric Rack and Gingham. She hasn't been posting lately and I sure miss her. We have talked on the phone and she is well.
I find that I like my life on the simple side. How about you?Swappers........if you haven't heard from me please contact me. Just leave a comment on here. I sent out all the information on your swap partners 10 days ago.
I have a new person that would love to swap with someone.....anyone interested. I would but I am doing 2 now and also another secret gift exchange.
Also please keep my friends in your prayers......Sharon, Summer, and Gene. They are all facing battles right now with their health. Also remember Ceejay. She is another blogger struggling.
Thanks my friends.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Our New Tree
Ever since I first saw these bear hugging trees I wanted one. The prices were so high. Little did I know that my cousin actually had one. When I found out I had to have it. It was bigger than I thought. I could barely get it into my bug. Jo and I had the same likes for sure. She collected bears and so did I. I was so excited to have this tree. There were a few ornaments still left on the tree. They are staying on, just because. I added a few of my favorite ornaments. This bear is over 3 feet tall. And there is a wee one near the bottom of the tree. I will still have my little tree(s) in my antique wagon but for now I am just enjoying my latest treasure. The tree looks alot greener than the photo shows.....and yes, I did try to edit it.
So the decorating has begun but going very slow. I have not been up to par for a couple of days and have been spending some time on the sofa. I am enjoying seeing all the decorations going up on your blogs.
P.S. If you haven't gotten your swap partner information, please contact me. I sent the information out a week ago.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, big or small, turkey or soup, snow or rain.......it's all about being being thankful.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Swapping Houses
Have you ever wanted to swap houses with someone. Like go on vacation to their house and they can come to your house and stay. Or another idea, I'd love to trade my larger home with a cute little cottage close to the mountains or the sea. Well, that is not likely to happen but in the movies. I can't remember the name of the movie where they swapped houses during the holidays. But the cottage in that movie was so cute. Okay, off the subject.....so sorry. I took part of a Putz House swap. I never knew they were called that before doing this. I wasn't sure what I would do. I bought my little houses in Colorado and they flew home on the plane with me. This is funny ......my swap partner was from Colorado. So my little house has been to Ohio and back to Colorado. My partner's name was Susie of littlesusiehomaker- lilsusiehomaker.blogspot.com/ Now how is that for a sure name. Well this beautiful red house is the one she sent me. Look at the detail. I love how she did the windows and the door and the roof and the front and the side........I should just say that I loved it all. Her house was big.
Two pics, one using a flash and the other one not. It is getting dark here early tonight. Wonder if there is rain coming.
This is blurry but it is the inside of the house.. She did a little fireplace scene and a little bottle brush tree all decked out. Cute, isn't it. Every time I walk by it and can't help but smile.
This is the little house I sent her. It is smaller than the one she sent me. Susie doesn't even know this but recently I bought a little box of vintage Christmas things from Erika of Golden Egg Vintage. Erika sponsored this swap. I used those cute little things to decorate the house. Even the little hankie I got from her.
I had the little fence. Notice that Santa is looking in the window. Well this was a fun swap. I must just throw this out there.....any one want to swap houses for real. Didn't think so, but had to ask.
If you follow my blog you know that I am hosting a "Cup of Kindness Swap". I have assigned partners and sent messages to everyone in the swap. But swappers please let me know if you got my message. Did I leave anyone out. There is a problem with clicking on my email from my blog To be safe when sending me a message please type in my address. I know that's a pain in the neck. My email address is grammypetals@yahoo.com .I know that this week starts the mad dash for Christmas here in the States. Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I took my decorations down.....I am so ready to decorate for Christmas and hopefully I will soon. I am excited to hear all about your celebrations.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Cup of Kindness Swap/Updated and CLOSED
You still have time to sign up. I will be closing the swap on Friday. I put together a couple samples of "cups" so you could see the idea. I did these quickly and would add more before I sent them off. The first one is what I would call COTTAGE. I used a old granite cup from a barn sale. Inside are a snowman, heart and flower ornament. Also a bottle tree, some packaged teas and a little vintage bell on the handle. I would most likely add some candy to the bottom and maybe include a couple other things that didn't fit in the cup. Simple, easy, and not expensive. The next one is VINTAGE using a aqua mason jar (there are people that drink from these jars, you know) This was hard to get a clear picture of with my little point and shoot. I just added some vintage Christmas ball ornaments, a vintage candy cane made from pipe cleaners, packaged tea, a tiny tree and a porcelain scotty dog. I tied some ribbons around the top. You could add so much more. Okay, now that you have the idea of how easy this is........leave a comment telling me you want to sign up. I need to know your "style" and what kind of hot drink you enjoy. (tea, coffee, hot chocolate) Be creative and think what you would like to receive. Make it "COZY" girls. I will choose partners this week-end. You have til December 5th to mail. The sooner the better. I had to wait in a long line yesterday mailing a swap package.
I have figured out why I like these swaps so much. I was a part of a group of friends that got together often. At Christmas we all made each other something......we each took home 12 gifts. It was so much fun. The group got too busy and stopped meeting. I really miss that. Friends that shared the same thing I liked. So now my bloggy friends have such sweet swaps. No one on my Christmas list likes cottage, vintage, farmhouse.......no one. So this is like my Christmas. How about you. Why do you join swaps.
Here is the list so far (Updated Friday)1. Elizabeth (Creative Breathing)
2. Kim (Kimberly's Korner)
3. Margie's Blue House
4. Maggie (Grandma Yellow Hair)
5. Erika (Golden Egg Vintage)
6. Little Susie Home Maker
7. Tammy's in Love
8. Marissa Sanchez
9. Pam Kern (Flippery)
10. Deb (Garage Sale Gal)
11. Sue (Sullivan and Murphy)
12. Me (Cozy Blanket)
13. Louise Lucerno
14. Christina (Our Happy Little Family)
15. Gretchen (Bird Nest Cottage)
16. Viv (Viv on a Whim)
17. Donna (Lavendar rose)
What a great group of girls, don't you think?
You will be hearing from me soon with the name of your partner.
Thanks again for joining up.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Spending time with my girls/Bloggy question
I just love spending time with these girls. I asked them to sit in front of the fireplace so I could take a picture of them for my Christmas cards. They were surprised that they could stay in their jammies. They sat down and wrapped their arms around each other. And they giggled........alot. They are 9 and 6 and couldn't be any closer. They play together very well, even when they have friends over. Recently they started sleeping in the same room in twin beds. They have their own rooms but love sleeping in the same one. Makes me wish I would have had a sister. Hope is a mom to Goose. She keeps her in line for sure. She even packs Goose's lunch for her. Hope has no energy (like her Grammy) Goose never stops. Hope looks like her daddy and Goose looks like her mommy. I watched them overnight this week-end. They are so good. Hope wasn't feeling well so it was a quiet evening for sure. But in the morning there was Frisbees throwing, scooter and bike riding and hula hooping.
On a not so good note.....the buzzards are back. Look closely at the trees. Those are buzzards. They sun themselves during the day and then hang out in the pine trees at night. Our next door neighbor bangs a pan every night. They don't like the noise. Another neighbor let off a firecracker last night. At least we have help now.....it used to be us alone. My husband"s car has already been covered in yuck. Hope we can convince them to go away this year.QUESTION: I AM HAVING PROBLEMS BRINGING UP MY READING LIST. SOMEDAYS I HAVE TO CLICK ON SEVERAL DIFFERENT THINGS AND IT FINALLY COMES UP. TODAY NOTHING IS WORKING. GRRRRR.
Hope we all have a good week. Last week was stressful with the election and the time change. Holidays will be here soon. Can't wait to see your decorations and hear how you celebrate and prepare.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Cup of KIndness - Swap Sign up for some fun
A couple years ago I was in a swap called a "Cup of Kindness". I would like to host one for this year. We are all in need of a little kindness this time of year. Holidays, weather, tragedies, alot on our minds. So how about joining in on a little fun. I am using the above granite cup. (Sorry an old picture) The other time I used a vintage measuring cup and filled it with a cute snowman ornament, some candy and coffee. You could use a tea cup or a coffee mug. Fill it with some goodies and off it goes to your swapping partner. You do not have to spend alot of money. You could make something to put in your cup.....or buy it. Nothing fancy. You might even have everything you need at home.Just sign up on this email and I will assign partners. There is something wrong with my email if you click on it from the blog. So if you want to send me an email do so but type in the address: grammypetals@yahoo.com.
Please when you sign up list your blog address and your email address. Also tell us your style. For example ......vintage, cottage, modern, shabby
The mailing date will be December 1.
So sign up for some kindness.
Please when you sign up list your blog address and your email address. Also tell us your style. For example ......vintage, cottage, modern, shabby
The mailing date will be December 1.
So sign up for some kindness.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
And the winner is.........
Lil Susie Homemaker. You thought I was going to say something else, didn't you? Sorry I couldn't resist.
There were actually three guesses that were close. I had to draw names. I was honest......you know that I am a honest person.
The actual amount was $750.00. The guesses were two for $800 and one for $700.
Loved all the comments. I did donate to Red Cross yesterday through my hometown bank.
Sorry, I do like police officers. I just thought they could have been a little nicer.
As far as drug money......if you could see the scene of our little Norman Rockwell town that day, I doubt that a drug deal went down. But.......maybe on the Hill as they call the university here.
I did learn to report but to keep the money on my person til it is claimed.
As far as listing it on Craig's List. That has proved a little dangerous around here. I know in Colorado my kids have all kinds of success with buying and selling with CL. We have had some bad things happen here in Ohio. I did check there to see if anyone posted loosing the money.
Okay bloggy friends have a good day. Praying that the East Coast survives yet another blow. Wow, you need a break. ((((((HUGS)))))
There were actually three guesses that were close. I had to draw names. I was honest......you know that I am a honest person.
The actual amount was $750.00. The guesses were two for $800 and one for $700.
Loved all the comments. I did donate to Red Cross yesterday through my hometown bank.
Sorry, I do like police officers. I just thought they could have been a little nicer.
As far as drug money......if you could see the scene of our little Norman Rockwell town that day, I doubt that a drug deal went down. But.......maybe on the Hill as they call the university here.
I did learn to report but to keep the money on my person til it is claimed.
As far as listing it on Craig's List. That has proved a little dangerous around here. I know in Colorado my kids have all kinds of success with buying and selling with CL. We have had some bad things happen here in Ohio. I did check there to see if anyone posted loosing the money.
Okay bloggy friends have a good day. Praying that the East Coast survives yet another blow. Wow, you need a break. ((((((HUGS)))))
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Lost money
I have hesitated posting about this. But here goes. I bet you are wondering where this post is headed. Not at all where you think.
Five weeks ago we were meeting my son and his family downtown in our village for breakfast. I had Doodle with me. I dropped Mr. Cozy off since his hip was hurting so he wouldn't have to walk so far. I didn't expect to find a parking spot too close to the place we were meeting. There was so much going on that day. Denison parents week-end. their homecoming, our HS homecoming, The Farmers Market and an antique fair. (All downtown) Well, I found a parking place right near the Farmers Market and close to the restaurant. I thought "Wow what luck." I hopped out and went around the other side of the car to let Doodle out of the backseat. On the way I looked down and in the grass there was a folded wad of money. I thought it wasn't real money. There was a $100 bill on the outside. I picked it up and looked around. I didn't count it but knew there was more than one $100 bill. With my CSI training (hah) I noted that the wad was warm on top and just a little damp on the bottom. It had rained the night before so I knew then that it had only been there a short time. Like I said I didn't count the money. I got Doodle out of the back seat and we walked to meet Mr. Cozy. He was sitting outside and I walked up and handed him the money. He saw the first bill and I can't even begin to describe the look on his face. He looked at me like I was going to be in big trouble or something. He counted it and I told him where I found it. I was trying to decide what to do with it as I walked to meet him. I thought about taking it to the entrance of the Farmers Market where they have a table with information on....a real estate company's table. So it a matter of a couple minutes Mr. Cozy said that I should take it to the police station. I agreed and off Dodddle and I went. We walked on over to the police station.......it actually looks like a little closet on the side of a building. I walked in and told the lady at the window that I had found it and turned it over to her. She said that she would put it in their safe and would keep it until the person that lost it showed up. She said they didn't have this happen alot....someone bringing in alot of money they found. She took down my information. Doodle and I went back to Mr. Cozy and the other family members were there by then. (My husband hates my long stories......hope you are still following this one) On with the day........but I did have fun talking about he money that was in my hands less that a half hour. When we got home after breakfast and Goose's soccer game the police station called. The lady said that she found out that if no one claimed it after 30 days I could keep the money. Hmmmmm, no way someone wouldn't come forward.
After two weeks I called to see if someone claimed it. Hoping for their sakes they had. I know loosing that kind of money would have devastated me. Money is just money but someone would have to miss this much.
I was careful about saying the amount and talking about it to everyone. Just in case, hah.
Off to Colorado and then home again. I called on Monday and they gave me a run around at the police station. Oh I need to check with so and so and see if it is still there or with so and so to see what the policy is. I didn't like the tone. This officer said he would call me the next day sometime after 3 p.m.
So it's the next day and I had lunch with a friend and happened to be at the post office at exactly 3 p.m. and just happened to have to park in front of the police station closet. So I trucked on in and told them who I was. A couple of officers casually strolled by. They said they would have to see if it was still there. The lady at the desk, someone different, asked a bunch of questions about me.....then went to her computer to check me out. 30 minutes later......now in most police stations this wouldn't be alot of time but in ours nothing was going on. They finally came out with the wad and counted it in front of me. A comment was made about the amount and then just handed it to me. I dropped it all. The officer said he should come out and pick it up and keep it another 30 days for me to claim. So I walked out with this money that wasn't mine but not important enough for someone else to try to find it. We think that the person in the same parking place dropped it when they reached into their pocket to get their keys out. Just thinking......... They could have been from out of town and didn't realize where they lost it.
So what do I learn in this process? Hubby and I said that we wouldn't turn it into the police station or into someone Else's hands. We would if we ever, not likely, would have this happen again. We would search for the owner somehow on our own. It seems like the police had a hard time giving that money to me. They made me feel ......oh I don't know........but not like an honest person.
So one day later I was sad. I posted that I was sad but that the kids in the Halloween parade cheered me up. I was sad for the person that lost this money, I was so sad about all the people in NJ and NY that had lost everything. Just sad. I didn't expect all of you that to express concern over me saying I was sad. The post was to be more about the parade.
What am I going to do with the money. I am going to give some of it to Red Cross for the Sandy victims. Not sure about the rest,
Now for sticking to this story for so long............I will send a little gift to the person that guesses how much money I found. Just something little. If no one guesses the little gift will go to the closest guess. You have to be a follower and you can be a new one. I don't even know what this gift will be be. So leave a comment with your guess. This is the only time I will post this. I will choose in a few days.
Wow, that was a long story........
Five weeks ago we were meeting my son and his family downtown in our village for breakfast. I had Doodle with me. I dropped Mr. Cozy off since his hip was hurting so he wouldn't have to walk so far. I didn't expect to find a parking spot too close to the place we were meeting. There was so much going on that day. Denison parents week-end. their homecoming, our HS homecoming, The Farmers Market and an antique fair. (All downtown) Well, I found a parking place right near the Farmers Market and close to the restaurant. I thought "Wow what luck." I hopped out and went around the other side of the car to let Doodle out of the backseat. On the way I looked down and in the grass there was a folded wad of money. I thought it wasn't real money. There was a $100 bill on the outside. I picked it up and looked around. I didn't count it but knew there was more than one $100 bill. With my CSI training (hah) I noted that the wad was warm on top and just a little damp on the bottom. It had rained the night before so I knew then that it had only been there a short time. Like I said I didn't count the money. I got Doodle out of the back seat and we walked to meet Mr. Cozy. He was sitting outside and I walked up and handed him the money. He saw the first bill and I can't even begin to describe the look on his face. He looked at me like I was going to be in big trouble or something. He counted it and I told him where I found it. I was trying to decide what to do with it as I walked to meet him. I thought about taking it to the entrance of the Farmers Market where they have a table with information on....a real estate company's table. So it a matter of a couple minutes Mr. Cozy said that I should take it to the police station. I agreed and off Dodddle and I went. We walked on over to the police station.......it actually looks like a little closet on the side of a building. I walked in and told the lady at the window that I had found it and turned it over to her. She said that she would put it in their safe and would keep it until the person that lost it showed up. She said they didn't have this happen alot....someone bringing in alot of money they found. She took down my information. Doodle and I went back to Mr. Cozy and the other family members were there by then. (My husband hates my long stories......hope you are still following this one) On with the day........but I did have fun talking about he money that was in my hands less that a half hour. When we got home after breakfast and Goose's soccer game the police station called. The lady said that she found out that if no one claimed it after 30 days I could keep the money. Hmmmmm, no way someone wouldn't come forward.
After two weeks I called to see if someone claimed it. Hoping for their sakes they had. I know loosing that kind of money would have devastated me. Money is just money but someone would have to miss this much.
I was careful about saying the amount and talking about it to everyone. Just in case, hah.
Off to Colorado and then home again. I called on Monday and they gave me a run around at the police station. Oh I need to check with so and so and see if it is still there or with so and so to see what the policy is. I didn't like the tone. This officer said he would call me the next day sometime after 3 p.m.
So it's the next day and I had lunch with a friend and happened to be at the post office at exactly 3 p.m. and just happened to have to park in front of the police station closet. So I trucked on in and told them who I was. A couple of officers casually strolled by. They said they would have to see if it was still there. The lady at the desk, someone different, asked a bunch of questions about me.....then went to her computer to check me out. 30 minutes later......now in most police stations this wouldn't be alot of time but in ours nothing was going on. They finally came out with the wad and counted it in front of me. A comment was made about the amount and then just handed it to me. I dropped it all. The officer said he should come out and pick it up and keep it another 30 days for me to claim. So I walked out with this money that wasn't mine but not important enough for someone else to try to find it. We think that the person in the same parking place dropped it when they reached into their pocket to get their keys out. Just thinking......... They could have been from out of town and didn't realize where they lost it.
So what do I learn in this process? Hubby and I said that we wouldn't turn it into the police station or into someone Else's hands. We would if we ever, not likely, would have this happen again. We would search for the owner somehow on our own. It seems like the police had a hard time giving that money to me. They made me feel ......oh I don't know........but not like an honest person.
So one day later I was sad. I posted that I was sad but that the kids in the Halloween parade cheered me up. I was sad for the person that lost this money, I was so sad about all the people in NJ and NY that had lost everything. Just sad. I didn't expect all of you that to express concern over me saying I was sad. The post was to be more about the parade.
What am I going to do with the money. I am going to give some of it to Red Cross for the Sandy victims. Not sure about the rest,
Now for sticking to this story for so long............I will send a little gift to the person that guesses how much money I found. Just something little. If no one guesses the little gift will go to the closest guess. You have to be a follower and you can be a new one. I don't even know what this gift will be be. So leave a comment with your guess. This is the only time I will post this. I will choose in a few days.
Wow, that was a long story........
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Raining Cats and Dogs
I was in a sad mood yesterday. I thought about not going to the elementary school Halloween parade. But I did. I got a great parking place since I left early. All I had to do was get out and stand by my car as all the littles and their teachers walked by. I took lots of pictures but these two are my favorite. My sweet Goose in her "It's raining Cats and Dogs" costume. She was so excited. After seeing all those sweet innocent children having so much fun, my days was brighter. We only had 8 trick or treators..........two families plus two of their guests.
So happy November......how can that be.......time moves so fast.
So happy November......how can that be.......time moves so fast.
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