Hello friends. I have so much to tell you but it will have to wait. Part of it has to do with clowns. I am posting this picture in hopes you could tell me if the long
spiky flower with the little pink blossom is a weed. And unfortunately you can hardly see them. I pulled these out of my iron kettle before I planted the impatience. They grew back. I think they are crowding my impatience but they are pretty. I have not seen these grown any place else in my yard. They kind of remind me of
bridals veil.
But more important is this update:
Landon has been doing amazing. They are calling him a miracle child. Since my last post, Landon had been
released from Children's with a bad concussion. His heart looked fine to one doctor but another one saw something. They wanted to wait til he had healed from the fall. Well two days after being home they found him again lifeless. CPR was started again but it didn't work. The squad came and took him to the nearest hospital. He had to be shocked twice then life flighted back to
Children's. It has been determined it is a heart problem and it was the reason he fell. His parents want every one to know how
thankful they are for the prayers. They are also asking for everyone to spread the word and pray for Landon. Tomorrow Landon will have a
defibrillator inserted in his heart. This hopefully will save his life. I can't imagine this with a five year old, can you. So pray really hard tomorrow for him.
I don't know how Claudia and Laurie's
husbands are. I need to find out. I do know that Claudia lost her beloved dog, Riley. He had been so sick and they were so dreading this.
So friends I must run but will be back soon with updates and to tell you what I have been up to.