Here is my Jo with three of her neices. She has many neices and nephews and in laws that adore her. In our small family there is her brother, sister, my Mom and brother and me. I am her only girl cousin. We are two peas in a pod. We laugh hysterically when together. We facebook, email and call each other when we aren't together. We both drive VW bugs. We both collect teddy bears, and on and on. She is loved by so many people. She is always helping everyone she knows. I can't imagine life without her. I always thought we would grow old together. Never did I dream that she could be healthy one day and three weeks later on life support. Cherish every moment with your loved ones. You can be healthy, live life right and then something out of the blue can change things in just a matter of days........and no explanation.
They found a heart lung machine for her but her stats aren't stable enough to transport her. I'm not sure that her lungs can heal even on that machine. So it is hope for a miracle really soon. I know that God has a plan.....just hope that plan kicks in soon.
Thanks for your support. I know you care and that helps.
The giveaway will happen just give me a little time.
Aw, Debby....how sad. I am sending you a big hug and will keep good thought flowing. You just never know, do you?
I'm sure I speak for all your followers when I say we're holding your hand throughout this ordeal. xx
Andi is right, we are holding your hand..please know that prayers are being said for you all.
Dear Debby,
Yes, God does have a plan, it may not be what we want but I think you know that we all have work to do here on earth and when our job has been completed our Heavenly Father calls us home.
Sometimes it's so hard to be in total understanding but we must trust and know that He loves us unconditionally. I hope this helps.
I'm so sorry to hear this Debby and I cant imagine the pain you must be feeling. I am sending healing energy and positive thoughts to Jo and comforting energy your way.
Keep us updated. I am sorry the machine was not going to be the right thing for her. Hoping for the best....lots of prayers!~Hugs, Patti
Still praying for her here, sweet Debby and praying for you too. I know this is very hard for you and you are much in my thoughts. praying whatever needs to be done will get done and you will have good news the next update. Hugs
Thoughts and prayers coming your way sweetie. I know this is a hard time but you are staying strong.
Sending a hug your way...
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