My yesterday may make you chuckle. I got up and went to work at 6:00 a.m. We had lots of rain that night. It was freezing rain when I drove in. Then it started to snow, lots and lots of wet snow. Couldn't believe they didn't cancel school. The buses all showed up late. After I left I knew why. When I came home I couldn't get up the hill. A truck in front of me got stuck. As I skid this way and that way I managed to turn my little bug around and head back out of the neighborhood. I passed the guy in the truck walking up the hill. I really didn't want to do that. I knew I would have to walk back down later. So I tried it again. No luck. So now what......I had left my purse at home. I went to the bank and whined enough and they so nicely gave me some money. The teller knew me and the manager is one of my kids mom......that helped. So I went to the drug store and bought some magazines and then went to the coffee shop. They have gluten free coffee cake there......and let me tell you, it is mighty fine. So I read and ate and sipped. Saw an old friend and we talked. So two hours later, I am so ready to go home. So once again I try to get up the hill and you guessed it......slip and slid and a no go. This time I decided to go to my son's house in town. I thought I'll just take a nap. It was toooooo quiet there with everyone gone. So about 1:00 p.m. I called a neighbor and she said the plow had made an appearance. So I got up the hill, ate my lunch, let my dogs out to potty and they had lunch. Soon it was back to work again. When I got off work I came home to search for photos. Before I started scrapbooking, 8 years ago, my photos were here and there and everywhere. I am doing a story board for Jo's services next week-end. I found lots of photos and of course there were lots of memories and....... I am not going there right now. I sliced my finger on a glass frame. The cut needed a stitch or two but I wasn't going there either. So it bled and bled and I finally wrapped it with lots of guaze and just went to bed.
Okay on with today......Mr. C.B. and I went to K. Bug's basketball game. She is the only girl on the team. She really wishes she wasn't on the team but her Daddy said she had to follow through. And, she IS the cutest one on the team, you know. They do a play called the tornado. It is so cute. Her teammates run in a circle and guess what the opposite team members do.....they run around with them. Okay so Mr. C.B. got to go on his Christmas present with our son today. Doing guy things, remember I had my day scrapbooking. So I went to Coldwater Creek with my coupon to find something to wear next week-end. I am so casual and cheap. Plus I am not very tiny, so I hate to shop for clothes. I thought I found something until the clerk about did a head spin. I spent forever and only ended up with this black cardigan flowie thing and three long sleeve nice t's. I know what you are thinking, but the black thingie is nice. I know those clerks were glad to see me go after they had to return all the things I tried on. Why is it they have such cute things in their catalog but none in the store. Oh well.
On to Archivers to get some things for the story board and more pictures made. Then to the drug store for Neosporin and bandaids. I am home alone with the doggies. Made some phone calls and still looking for pictures. I DID do the dishes. It has been a week, yes, a week. We have eaten out or did carry out all week. My husband has been so wonderful this week. He is greiving as well and really understands. So life moves on with or without me so I better keep on............thanks so much for all the prayers and concerns......that has helped so much.
You know sometimes life hands us things that seem impossible to deal with...but, some how we manage to get through them all. With...the grace of God. Keep plugging away, slippin' and sliding', cuttin' and findin'...it will all work out and you'll be so greateful when you look back on this with a smile on your face and knew you did the best you could.
My thoughts and my heart are with you..... xoso Sandy O
SO sorry to hear about your Friend...
take care
Debby I know this is soo hard on you!And doing the picture board...I have done 2 of those in the past...it's kinda of healing...yet soooo sad in the same moment. I am so sorry about your finger.Keep it medicated and pulled tight...we don't need you in the hospital from an infection.
My grandaughter is the only girl on her team....today she stood under the basket oh at leasy 20 times...ready to shoot...nobody would throw it to her.Thats okay she got mad and started running circles around those boys with stealing the ball and rebounding...the crowd loved her!
Now with some humor..I would so love to be the one at the bottom of the hill filming everyone...yep I have a funny sense of humor.Of course I would have to be indoors filming...me and ice...well there is a humorous story there!!
Love you and thinking of you and still praying.
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
It is so good to hear from you and to know how you are doing. Sweet Debby you do whatever you need to do to go through the grieving process in a healthy way. We ourselves know the best way to do that I learned that when my daughter passed away...lots of well meaning people told me what they thought I should do but I just had to do it my way and you can do it too. We are all different and we all do things differently and times like this we just know best what to do to get through the aching heart when we lose a dear loved one.
I am glad you finally got up that hill and home.
Take care of yourself sweet friend, you are in my thoughts and I am praying for you all. Hugs
Debby, I'm sad to hear this news. My heart goes out to you with the loss of your dear Jo. Know that you are in my thoughts. ~ sarah
You feel free to be as sad as you need to be and we'll be here to listen.
I'm so sorry to hear your news. I saw a sympathy card once which said 'may the pain you feel today soon be replaced by happy memories' and that is what I wish for you. xx
My heart goes out to you Debby. I am sure the memories are helping you cope with your grief.
ON another note, we should meet at Archiver's sometime and get to know each other. :o)
Thinking of you.
After my father passed away, I realized that everyday life just keeps on going, even if you really don't want it too. It's good to see you up and about. Hope the days ahead are better!
You know Debby, write whatever you want to write about, your heart is broken and it needs healing. What better way to write it of your chest, we will listen...
Take care of yourself, and that story of you trying to get home made me smile a little, life goes on indeed...
Hi Debby
My thoughts are with you as I too have felt very sad this last month, first my dear friend of 25 years passed away from cancer then my sister three weeks later from cancer too, some days seem harder than others and the sadness consumes me, buty then I think of them both and know that isn't what they would want, so I sit and sew and give my wares away, it is nice to see a smile from someone when they receive. cheers from me to you x Judy
Dear Debby, we don't mind at all you sharing your pain..I'd read every one of your posts. I know what you mean..some people might get tired of it..but frankly, I think we friends in bloggy land know that one priceless thing about blogging is it's theraphy, if only because we can all tell you we love you and are praying for you. I was only blogging two months when my dear dad died. That was just over a year ago. For a month, that's all that was on my blog..life on the road caring for dad, funeral, grief, hospice, a little crochet to pass the time..and then trying to pick up the pieces of life again. It's what was happening. So many people who read a blog are also hurting so it helps them to know they are not alone when you share. But most of all, we care about you and your 'real' life.
You are always telling us about other's neeeds.
This time can be for you. I know I wasn't expecting any 'bright' post today. I wanted to know how you were feeling..how's it going? How sweet to do the photo board.
And that is funny about the snow and ice. I can't imagine it. We are already using the A/C here north of Houston.
You are in my love and prayers.
Donna @ Comin' Home
I love you...hope you have gotten my letter. XOXO Genie
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