Another day of Sharing the Love. This sweet music box was a gift many years ago.
I think the latest storm has passed. School was in session today but the temps are cold. We still have ice but the roads are good.
There has been some improvement with my cousin.
Not much but she is resting and eating a little. She is still in the hosptal.
Mr. Cozy Blanket got a good report at the surgeons' today. The doctor said that the fall didn't hurt him. Thank heavens.
Now he starts therapy.
Poor K. Bug, my oldest "little" hurt her arm roller skating and is in a splint. She also had streph this week.
Soon, I hope to be posting my giveway. I haven't forgotten. The giveaway is to celebrate my followers.......so it will be just for those that follow. Soon......I promise.
I hope the rest of you are bouncing back from this latest weather blast. I hear there is more coming next week. I can't wait.
(((((HUGS))))) my friends and share the love.

I love snow and I love winter, but everyone is getting sick over and over so time to be done... Glad Hubby got good news and hope your little is on the mend soon.
Can you believe with all this snow..and we can't build a snowman..not the right kind of snow?
Oh well more a coming this weekend and next Thursday they have mentioned the word storm again..yikes!!
Praise God your cousin is holding her own..I will keep praying.
And great news on your honey!!
Sorry about little bit and her arm..ouch.
You be careful sounds like you are needed in a lot of areas..lol
Hugs and lovin..would call but I can't talk..I have had laringitis for 5 days now..frustrating!!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Hi, sweet Debby! Love the little music box. Glad to hear there has been improvement in your cousins condition. So glad Mr. Cozy Blanket did not hurt his leg when he fell. Sorry about your little K. Bug, hope her arm heals quickly and she is all over that awful strep.
Praying for all. Hugs
I must have missed some posts. It sounds like you are nursing a lot of patients. Take care! La
Glad to hear the Mr. didn't do damage, get him wearing ice cleats and take no more chances. We're like you there really getting dumped on it was terrible out there today on the roads.
I am so glad that your husband is okay. That was a close call!
Ok, I have not heard about more snow coming next week...guess I better listen to the forcast! I am sorry your cousin is not much better. Do they have any idea yet on what is going on?~Patti
Prayers for your dear cousin and your poor husband, as well as the young lady and her arm. Hoping that all will feel better soon!
We ended up with ice, then snow, then ice. Fortunately we had a visitor we have not seen in a long time yesterday. Mr Sunshine! We still have monster drifts, but they are no longer on the roads and even the mirrors on my car have defrosted. Just in time for those below zero temps this weekend. Keep safe, drive carefully and prayers!
Thanks for stopping by!
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