Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The wedding story
This is her husband Rodney. He cried during the ceremony. The sweet boy is Ally's. He is one and a half. Rodney has been in her life for 8 years and they are very young. Ally had broken up with the little guy's father before she knew she was pregnant. Rodney was there for her since day one. So her son has only known Rodney as his father. They love each other, it is so obvious.
This is Meghann, and my God daughter. She is 15. Such a sweet pretty girl.
This is me. It's kinda like, What I wore today. I have this crazy put this together with that kinda way to dress. Dresses are impossible for me. I hate to shop. I have a couple long skirts with subtle ruffles on them. I add different tops to them for a dressier look. I had gotten this top to wear on the cruise and didn't. It may have been supposed to be a very short dress. It has a little polka dot ruffle on the neck. I wouldn't go sleeveless so I added this blue long sleeve top. I wanted to wear my Origami locket with the owl and blue stones. My husband looked surprised and said I looked nice. I don't dress up much......not in my line of work.
Okay enough of that.....back to the wedding. The bride's mom did all the decorating and cooking....with help from family members. She didn't do the wedding cake. Something happened to the cake. I over heard it looked awful and wasn't at all what it was supposed to be. I loved how they put this Willow Tree bride and groom on the little cake. It went well with the nature look. There were two other cakes on stands as well and pies, oh my. I had to leave before desserts, and that was probably a good thing. Also they had made a tree from gold wire. It had hearts, keys and crystals on it. Guess where they ended up getting the cakes.....Walmart.
This is a money tree that was placed by the box for the cards. It also had keys on it. Lots of money......all different dollar bills......I don't know who it was from but I loved the idea.
Here is another view of the desserts.
And here is Sherry, Ally's mom. She was our respite person for our youngest son when we needed help the most. I can't believe how we ever made it before her help. She was and still is a wonderful giving person. We got to be very good friends and we still are.
Ally is so much like her mother. She now cares for brain damaged adults. She was always such a big help to her mother when she was younger. You knew she would be an amazing mother and care giver as well. Good job Sherry. Sherry was and is a single mom.
I hope you didn't fall asleep and enjoyed the wedding as much as I did.
Monday, October 28, 2013
A busy fall
My son's wagon. He is now 27. He used to ride his teddy bear in the back of it in the little wagon that attaches. Some good news regarding my son. He had another ER trip. Some things were noted about his heart. He has started to take small walks everyday. He is trying to eat healthier. Remember he may be 27 but really functions like a teenager in most ways. It's hard to be healthy when you are on food stamps. His food stamps were reduced last month. I think it is fine to reduce the amount to those that could work. To reduce them on people that can't work and are disabled is different, I think. Of course, we help him as much as we can. I thought I would pass on that good info about the walking.
A blurry shot of the back yard. We haven't had a lot of color this year. In some places there will beautiful trees and in others the trees look dry and staying rather green. Since it has been cooler our feathered friends the buzzards are back. Their roost has been growing in numbers and encroaching on the neighbors. We aren't going to put up with it this year. So look out birdies we aren't kidding. (In case you don't remember.......we have around 200 turkey buzzards that roost in our trees for 3/4 months a year. We live on a 1/2 acre.)
This is what it looked like finished. Oh and the doll......I have been babysitting non-stop. Friday I had two hours off while Mabel went on a play date. I went to the auction house because they were having another doll auction. It was an online auction and in house as well. Very few people were there in person. It seems that the prices were so high. Many of the dolls were going for $400 plus. This was a Little Women Jo doll and it was only $30. I think it was the only one that low the time I was there. I wanted to see how much the Steiff animals went for but I couldn't stay that long. It looked like later they went for very low prices. They had a Steiff owl......sob. Sorry, I got sidetracked......back to the mason jar gift. I used material for the top of the jar and a ribbon around the jar to tie the tag on with.
This is just a shot of the church before the wedding started. I have more pictures and the story to tell you all later.
And here is Baby O. She spent the night last night while her mama is training for a new job and working her old job. Baby O is so active and into everything, can you tell? I also spent the night Saturday evening watching Doodle and her baby brothers. We all slept in her parents bed. They went to the OSU/Penn State game with their cousins. The house was full of adults when we woke up.Yes, I have been busy babysitting.....being a Nanny and a Grammy. Schedules are crossing over and it is getting complicated. Hoping that they all get set schedules so this will work out.
Other news:
It is cold here. 28 degrees this morning. And guess what, we didn't get snow. They had snow all around us but it skipped us.
Flag football and soccer is over for the season. I didn't get to go to either game this week-end. Grampy did this time. At Doodle's soccer game there was a lot of drama. Doodles friends from the coast came for the week-end. One of the children fell on the playground next to the soccer field. She ended up with a concussion. One of Goose's coaches is a doctor and he went to help. The squad was called as well. So Goose's dad ended up coaching. Grampy helped out with the kids. I haven't had an update since the evening it happened. Hoping that the little girl is doing okay.
I think I am going to take a little nap. The baby slept well last night from 7:30 p.m. til 6:30 a.m. BUT, Izzy the Yorkie got up four times last night. I think she has a tummy upset. Wonder what she ate while I was gone.
Anxiously awaiting the arrival of our owls from the swap. I can't wait to post pictures.
Toodles and have a good week.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
It's Cozy Blanket Time
It's fall, one of my favorite times of the year. Snow is also in the forecast. I am happy. (So sorry, Hubby, I know how you hate driving in it)
First I want to apologize for these pictures. Some are blurry. These are my furbabies trying to both sleep on one lady bug pillow. They don't touch each other very much so this is a special picture. Piper the bigger dog will go lay on this pillow even though it is the little dogs. Then sometimes this happens.
My dear little L. My surrogate granddaughter. She was out of school the other day. Her mom asked that I watch her as she wanted to spend the day with me celebrating my belated birthday. Her mom had to take her little brothers to the sitter before I got there because she said they would throw a fit if they didn't get to stay with me. This family makes me feel so special. So, L.'s mom gave me a card with money inside for lunch and whatever else I wanted to do. We had lunch at California Pizza . L. wanted me to choose my favorite place. I choose here, because I know it is her favorite place. Then we went to craft stores, Pier One, and a Halloween store. Our last final visit was DQ on the way home. We had a great day.
My little Goose is growing up too fast. (Next picture) She is 7 but looks younger in this picture. I got to watch just her last Saturday morning. Here she is in her jammies. Then the other son called reminded me , that I had said I would watch his kids and their friends little boy while they all went to the OSU game. 9Originally they said they would cancel if it was rainy, and it was) So Goose and I went over to their house. Goose's Dad and my Hubby went to a girls golf state tourney. But Hubby came and sat with all the others while I went to Goose's soccer game. I had missed two in a row and will miss this week for a wedding. Oh my, it was freezing and in a downpour. The couches let them play for awhile and then called the game. So glad that I got to see some of it. SO glad that I also got to spend one and one time with Goose.
While the adults went to the game M. and I watched the OSU game. I was being a cheerleader, hah, and Max came downstairs with all of this. He is really into sports and knows more than I do for sue. Go Buckeyes.
Here is M. at his flag football game. I can't still believe they live here in the village and we can go to these events. I was taking pictures of his cousins and sister at his game. I tried to get one of him alone and he said, " I was wondering if you forgot about me." Never, sweet boy. (Just noticed that that is my neighbor in the background and one of my daughter's favorite friends in this place that I live in) Since blogger is being a bit stubborn my pictures are out of order.T
Here is Mabel on her Uncle B.'s lap. We actually all call him that. My Hubby and my other son are the others.
Mabes playing around. Her Mama starts work tomorrow at her new job. It is perfect for her. In Colorado she was certified to teach Yogo and Pure Barre. She is now going to work at Lu Lu Lemon. Fitness and fashion........her degree is in fashion. (Go Noles) So Mabel and I will be spending a lot of time together. So excited. I still have Baby O and her brother and we have to work that all out. I have room for two little ones in my car and three need pickups from school plus a baby on board. More pictures out of order........M.'s cousins, my granddaughters at M.'s game. Goose is sitting on her soccer ball and K. is sitting on her basketball, their favorite sports. is Cozy Blanket time.....inside and out. I am a happy camper.P.S. Things that have been on my mind lately......
1. Trying to organize my time since it has gotten crazy busy.
2. My DIL is rearranging my whole house as a birthday gift to me. It is a blessing but stressful. Some things I didn't want changed. Some things I didn't want to get rid of. But I am thankful. I turned down her services today as I need a day of rest. She may have not been happy with me but I need to slow this process down.
3. The owl swap......I need to get in touch with everyone and make sure they know they are making 5 to swap, one to keep.
4. That little girl Maria that was found in the gypsy camp. Oh my, it stirs up my emotions for sure.
5. So daughter and grandson and granddaughter are coming to visit after Christmas for 10 days. This is a first for her at the holidays. It helps that my son and his family that lived 5 minutes fro them are now here. I know they all miss each other. I am thrilled.
6. Sometimes it is hard for me to leave the house when I don't have to go somewhere. Like today, I need to go to Target. I will as soon as I am done here.
7. I know I am forgetting the other things on my mind and that also bothers memory.
Off to target.......Get your cozy blanket on. xo
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Hi there. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Here are the ones that signed up to be in this swap. If I left you out, please let me know. If you still want to swap, you can sign up. We could stat another group. We would need more to sign up to make that possible. So far there re six including me. I will need you to make 5 owls to be swapped. Before I said to send 4 and keep one for yourself BUT since there are six of us, please send 5 to swap.
Okay here is the list:
Winkle's Crazy Ideas
Genie (Buttons by Baga)
Lynn (Life on the weinee ranch
Yarni Gras
Judy (20 North Ora)
Me (Cozy Blanket)
Genie has posted the owls she made. Also for ideas go to Pinterest.
Mailing date is November 1st. No extra goodies other than the owls.
Please send $5.00 with your owlets to cover my postage and handling back to you.
My address is: Debby Messner 158 Spruce Drive Granville, Ohio 43023
Email me at : clowninabug@gmail My yahoo account is forever sending messages back to the sender.
I will try to contact everyone on the list to make sure they see this post.
Okay, swappers, this will be fun.
Any questions email me.
Okay here is the list:
Winkle's Crazy Ideas
Genie (Buttons by Baga)
Lynn (Life on the weinee ranch
Yarni Gras
Judy (20 North Ora)
Me (Cozy Blanket)
Genie has posted the owls she made. Also for ideas go to Pinterest.
Mailing date is November 1st. No extra goodies other than the owls.
Please send $5.00 with your owlets to cover my postage and handling back to you.
My address is: Debby Messner 158 Spruce Drive Granville, Ohio 43023
Email me at : clowninabug@gmail My yahoo account is forever sending messages back to the sender.
I will try to contact everyone on the list to make sure they see this post.
Okay, swappers, this will be fun.
Any questions email me.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Home Sweet Home
I'm back. I am still adjusting but officially I am back. Just wondering where my chef and waiter are? What's for dinner tonight. Is my bed made up and where are the chocolates? Oh.......I am back to the real world. That's okay too. I missed my Hubby and my doggies.
This is a picture of my best friend and moi. It is a picture of a picture. I have worked all day on trying to post my friends pictures. I didn't take many. Even though at times I didn't think my friend should be asking other people to take pictures, I am glad that she did. Since the pictures were $20 each and all 8 by 10's.........I only bought two.
Anywhoo.........seeing my friend and spending time with her and her family was just nice. I miss her since she moved to Florida. No worries, I won't be moving south. Too much heat for me. I like my hills and seasons.
Our cruise was really great. We had a wonderful time. I walked my legs off. Luckily the headaches and the back aches stayed away. I was able to stay Gluten -free the entire time. My legs and hips got tired from all the walking but I think I did great considering I didn't do anything the three weeks pior due to my back injury. I did NOT do well with the heat. Like I have said before, it bothers me. Crowds, heat, humidity combined together isn't a good thing for me. My friend went ahead with those activities while I choose not to. The food was unbelievable. I think I did well not gaining weight because I had less options than the others. The chefs were able to fix me the GF meals.
Celebrating our birthdays onboard was fun. I did miss calls from my Hubby and my children. But, I did buy myself some little birthday gifts.
The evening shows were fun, different and so Disney. I had fun people watching. Lots of grumpy parents and kids not behaving. Easy to judge when we were without children. We were seated with two other couples that we really enjoyed.
The staff onboard was all international. They are so friendly and willing to help. They didn't understand English very well as I didn't understand them either. I did go to a station and asked if this mousse looking desert was GF. The guy just smiled and started handing me all the desserts out of the case, hah. I found them a new home.
We only had one rough day at sea and it was the last one. The Capt. had been avoiding the rough weather but had to get back on the route to return to Florida.
We had two stops....Nassau (where I took the ship picture) and their private island, Castaway Cay. The Cay is the last picture.
We didn't dress in our clown costumes. The festivities were too close to our dinner times. It was a crazy busy party. It was their first Halloween at the Seas. It make need a little tweaking. Pirate night was a blast. They even had fireworks.
My flights to and from Florida were interesting to say the least. I volunteered to be bumped on the way there. I waited til they were offering a $400 voucher. Say hello to my next Colorado trip. On the way home my second flight was delayed three hours......not so good. I almost missed getting on my first flight to Washington Dulles. I thought they were saying Dallas. Believe me it sounded identical. Luckily I looked at my flight number. I wasn't the last on the place but close. I am blaming on my early wake up time. (To and fro I had to get up at 4 a.m.)
I will share more pictures when I can figure out how.
All in all it was all that I wanted it to be and more.
OWL SWAPPERS.......I will be in touch later this week. I can still take signups for a second group.
I missed reading my blogs and I am trying to catch up.
Disney Hugs to All
(Not sure why Mickey got down on his knees)
(Disney Dream)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Living the DREAM (Owl Swap)
I will spend a couple of days before and after the cruise with my friend in her new home. The name of the ship is Disney Dream. I am so excited. We will have so much fun.
I will be off line until I return. Feel free to leave messages and I may get a chance to check.
OWL swappers. We have five so far. Go ahead and get started making or buying your owls. (5) If you buy them add a little something personal to them. I will be in touch with you when I return. If you still want to sign up, go ahead. You will be in the second group of swappers.
Everyone enjoy this beautiful fall and I will see you soon.
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