Today was day one of the Columbus Country Living Fair. This is my friend Kim.....isn't she pretty. They have a photo booth that you can get your picture taken and buy one to take home. Last year you could get one taken but they weren't printing them. Actually on the video to advertise the Fair my
friends that I meant in the bathroom (
hah, really) and I got on the video. We are behind the editor being interviewed. We were laughing when we were in the photo booth. This time we didn't cause a scene. This is what I bought. An oil cloth banner from Modern June. The flip side is chalk board vinyl. I saw these last year and for a whole year wished I had gotten one. So yippee.

Last year this stack of pumpkins was 3 x this size. Wondering if the heat and drought damaged the crop. It was hot and humid, can you tell. Everyone dressed for cooler weather and were complaining how hot it was. The weather forecast was cool weather coming in before the rain around noon. Sure enough both happened. We left early, around 1. Three hours was enough today. My friend is a nurse and worked last night a 12 hour shift. I got a week-end pass and I can go back. It's less than an hour to get there.

There were four groups of these hay letters. I think they wanted people to sit on them. They looked nice.

And my friend Cari of Cash and Cari (
HGTV). People were waiting in line to have their picture taken. I had mine taken last year with her. She walked away for the line for a minute and I snapped this. I told her I was just going to take a quick pic and that I had gotten my picture last year. Then I told her, "I love you." She said, "I love you ,too." Ahhhhh. She is just darling and no I don't know her.

We had a box lunch....great salad, chips, cookie and a drink. We ate inside one of the historical buildings that was had A/C. The doors were open so it was not really too cool but out of the sun and the real heat.
Hoping to go back tomorrow after Goose's soccer game. Maybe I will sit in on one of the presentations. It's hard to see in one day. I think if you go one day you push yourself to see everything. So I bought the 3 day pass. In advance it was $13. At the gate for just today was $16. How about that for a deal, he he. I must say that things were pricey.
So more to share when I return.
Hubby has to stay off his feet all week-end (hip strain/sprain) and it's okay with him if I go back to the Fair.
Guess what I got for our anniversary and for my birthday coming up.......a ticket to Colorado to see the kids and grands. So excited.
See you later.
It looks like you had fun Debby! So glad you have a chance to go to Colorado for a family visit too.
$13 I think is a good deal for a three day pass. I love the pile of pumpkins. Hope tomorrow isn't has humid for you.
What a buy indeed! Glad you didn't create a scene this time although I don't know if I really believe that or not!;>) Have fun if you go again.
What a great anniversary present- xo Diana
Oh, what fun that looks to be. I see TWO pretty ladies in front of those pumpkins. That is a very pretty pile of pumpkins too, lots of varieties there. So happy for you getting to go to Colorado and see your grands. Hugs
Hi Debby, Oh, I'm in envy mode right now (a good one.) I can tell by your writing, you had a ball! What a great deal you scored with the ticket! Meeting people like Cari is definitely a treat.
So happy you will be seeing family later too! Happy Times for You all around! Take Care my Friend! Have a great day tomorrow!
One thing about you Debby, you take the time to enjoy life and I admire that about you. Have fun at the fair.
Nice stack of pumpkins and gourds. Very colorful.
Have a great weekend.
Oh what fun! I love that stack of pumpkins.
Lucky duckies
O Debby ...what fun ... my mom , sister, and aunt are there visiting today ...me Im sewing ! Hope the Mr feels better soon ...and so exciting about your present !!! Have a great weekend ! hugs lil raggedy angie
This looks like so much fun...I wish I lived closer! Have a great time again tomorrow!
Fabulous photos of such a happy outing. Our fairs are more like one huge advertisement of thing to buy... yours looks sweet :-)
That stack of pumpkins is amazing! I'm sure the pumpkin crop was hurt with all the heat everyone had to deal with this summer. Love the banner you bought!
What a fabulous day! And you BOTH look very pretty and very happy! I would be too if I was there. That looks like the MOST fun! WOW!
Debby, What great fun. You look so happy with your friend. I remember that big pile of pumpkins from your post last year. Or someone's post.. Yes, I would be saying I love you too. haha. I like Cari's show. Smiles, Susie
Aw Debby I am so happy for you getting a trip to see your precious family. I know your counting the days til then.
I can't get over this stack of pumpkins. Would have loved to have seen something like this while visiting Maine.
You look so happy and I love it when you share pic's of yourself.
Your beautiful
Love ya
Isn't CL just the BEST? You got some cute pics! I wish I would've taken more, but I was too caught up in the shopping frenzy! :)
You got to meet Cari again! You lucky goose you!!!
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