Please look at this post for humor and not whining.........that may be a challenge;
I am down for the count. I have streph throat and an ear infection. I haven't had anything like this for over a couple of years.
Wow. I can swallow today so I am trying to force myself to drink and eat. My head hurts so bad I have to hold it up with my hands. That may be from sleeping so much.(Sleep is good in my case) I have exhausted all places to sleep comfortably. Next it will be the floor and I don't think I have the strength to get up off the floor. I didn't mention that I have had this aching in my back for a couple of weeks now. The doctor doesn't know what it is but to watch it for shingles. My hand is doing well.....at least something is.
I cancelled my little ones for the whole week.
Tomorrow my Hubby is finally having the dental surgery he has been needing for months. He is being put under. He asked me if I am going to be able to take him. I told him he could drive there and somehow I will get us home. Heaven forbid. Then when we get home who is going to take care of who. (There is always another day of mending here for me)
Then there is the car. I haven't been outside since Sunday. But I am told my car is a mess. We have been host to around 200 buzzards the last two months. I guess my car is covered in their mess. Last year they did this to one of our cars and we couldn't see out the windows. Maybe Hubby can take it to the car wash tonight......he won't be out of commission til tomorrow, right.
The neighbors have been helping in the fight with the buzzards this year. I heard one shooting thi morning. Only pellet guns, as it is illegal to kill them as they are a migrating bird. Yea, they migrate to my house.
We are also having coyotoe (not sure how to sp. that and don't feel like looking it up) problems. They killed a couple of Yorkies in a town not far from here. I know they are close as my son has seen them a couple of miles away.
I signed up for a welding class for Saturday. At this point I will have to cancel. Hope I get my money back or I can take it again, maybe.
The poor doggies didn't get fed til late last night. Hubby isn't used to doing it. Then Izzy needed her meds.......she wouldn't take them for him. She hid under the table, maybe because he wasn't talking in a nice tone.
In the agenda today.......hope to change my jammies.......I have been in the same ones all week. Please don't picture that. I did get a bath before I went to the doctor on Tuesday. Throw some soup on the stove.....oh that sounds painful but I must feed the Hubby.
We will be okay. Rest assured, if it gets too bad our son is a phone call away.
I hope that you can find the humor in this post.
Still a couple of days left in the giveway.....you can still sign up.
Thank you all for your sweet comments this week. They help more than you can imagine.