Okay, okay, I haven't hosted a swap for awhile. Remember bunny swap, heart swap, cup of kindness swap. I wanted to do one for fall but not for Halloween. I think that a lot of us are crazy about owls. I know I am. I used to collect them back in the ole macramé days. I have a whole new love for them. The cuter the better. (Maybe that is why I signed on with Origami Owl). Okay, I have no details. I am thinking November 1st for the mail date. Now questions from all of you.......... Do you want to swap one on one or do a group one where you send me (say 5) owls and I send you five back. Remember I am a simple swapper. It would just be an owl not a box of goodies. These owls could be in a box, on a limb, in a picture, just by it's little ole self. You can make them or store buy the, and add to that. No big expensive ones, esp. if we send more than one. Now tell me, are you interested? Do you want one on one? A group swap.....tell me your ideas. Oh, this will be fun. Let me know soon, please.
OWL get back to you......Hoot Hoot.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Third One (Pumpkin) Said, "I am ready for some fun."
Goodbye Summer.........hello Fall.
I am just beginning to start decorating. I am thinking I might as well decorate for Halloween since I will be gone for several days coming soon. This is the pumpkin fairy garden I did last year. The Fall banner was a swap gift from last year.
I love the colors for fall. This year I am liking more of the neutral colors. Now for a little of what my life is like.
The other day I had the two little guys that I Nanny for. We were returning from B.'s pre-school and I stopped at a road side market. The nice man there came to my car and helped me get what I needed. The boys sat patiently in the car. The little one not only wanted to be able to see me but touch me. The guy helping us kept saying how cute they were. They were cute sitting in my bug. Earlier that day, I sneaked into the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door all I heard was, "Nanny, Nanny, Where are you." Here they came. They thought it was fun to jump in the shower while I was in there. When I went home that day they crawled into my car and wouldn't get out. Love those little guys (3 and 2).
Yesterday I had an early birthday lunch with my friend. Carolyn. She is the sweetest person ever. It is interesting about when I met her. When my cousin, Jo, was dying in the hospital, I was supposed to start a different schedule at the school SACC program. I was to move to the intermediate school. I stated there my first day back. I hadn't met Caroline until then. Imagine my surprise when I saw her. She looks so much like Jo. I'm not the only one that thinks so either. She is really funny and sometimes her laugh makes me think of Jo. She always wears pink when she is going to see me.......she knows how I love pink. When she sees me she says, "Hello there little cutie." That makes me laugh. Caroline gave me a card that says "Hi cutie." It sings a little song about cute. I can't believe she found that card. She also tucked in a gift card to Disney....yippee and bought my lunch at Olive Garden. I only worked one school year at this SACC program. You know the saying, 'When God closes a door, he opens a window." I don't think it was chance that we met. We take turns having each other and our hubbys for dinner. They are big dog lovers as well as us. They have BIG dogs. One is a wolf dog. (Just a side note......my friend that I am going on the cruise with and who I will be staying with before and after the trip lives in the town where Jo was in the hospital. I am thinking of visiting the hospital while I am there.)
I thought you might want to see Baby O. The baby I nanny for. She is now 7 months old and trying to walk. Not kidding either. This baby never stops. She is scary as she crashes a lot. She lost almost all of her pretty black hair . It grew back really fast. This is the new hair. She is impossible to take a picture of her because she is always moving. Remember back in May, I had my sister in law take pictures because her mom said the same thing.
I think in this picture she was about to eat the camera.
WELL, I am now grounded. Mr. Cozy said no more babysitting or shopping until my trip. My side/back are better but if I move quickly I have this lightening bolt pain. Caroline and I did a tiny bit of shopping yesterday. Target and T J . It was too much. I'm not a shopper.....although I am loving NOMORERACK.COM (not in caps though.) If you join give them my name (Debby Messner) and I will get credit. I have gotten amazing deals through them. Check it out. It is addicting.
So, off to do some fall decorating since I am grounded. Hope your week has gone well and you have a wonderful week-end.
Monday, September 23, 2013
M I C..........K E Y
I have been holding on to a little secret. Sorry, I have to tell you before I explode. Remember when I said I had a trip coming up. Well, my BFF and I are going on a Disney Cruise on the Dream Cruise Ship. We will both be celebrating birthdays while on the ship. This was a trip on a whim and something neither of us have every done. I have been on another cruise and also on several private cruises through a former boss of my husbands. I have always wanted to do a Disney Cruise. My friend moved to Florida a year ago. She wanted me to come see her on our birthdays. She is crazy about Disney and even has a season pass. We were looking into going to Disney World for a few days. Some where in the process someone said we should look into a cruise. Well, that's what is going to happen. I will also get to visit with my friend a couple days before and after our trip. I was pretty proud of myself for using my Nanny earnings to pay for the flight, cruise, and passport. Hubby has given me the spending money that will most likely be spent on getting things for the 6 plus 3 grands. One night we can dress like pirates. Another night will be Halloween On The Seas. We are dressing as clowns......since we both are clowns. I told Hubby we should get a discount since we aren't party people and won't be doing the adult things on board. We have a sweet stateroom with a little deck. We also just found out the room had been updated. They said it was either Mickey or Minnie that did it. When.......in just a couple of weeks.....actually less. This is one reason the back problem was a big issue. You know that after I posted having problems.......my back started feeling better. It is doing so much better, but not out of the woods yet. I am still on the steroids that just drive me crazy. So just excuse me if I get out of control in the next few days. M O U S E.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Origami Owl and Updates on life here
Hello........do you know about Origami Owl. It's all about lockets, charms and tags and telling your story through jewelry. Yep, I did it, I signed up to be a designer. No, I don't design the jewelry just demonstrate it. I was interested in this awhile back but there was a wait list to join. Then a friend of mine and I decided to both join. I love all the layered looks and the bigness of the jewelry these days......but sad to say, it's not me. I love that you can customize these lockets. I like a really long chain. I can slip it over my head and off I go. I have seen so many creative ways of using the charms. I am not planning on make big bucks with this. I promise I won't be using this blog to run my business. I just wanted you to know. I will have a giveaway pretty soon. If you are interested and want to know more you can check out this website Debby Messner. Origami Owl.com........or of course email me at clowninabug@gmail.com. (I have been trying to switch emails due to the problem I have when someone replies to my other email address. OKAY, for what else has been going on here at Cozy Blanket.
I am still having back problems. You know that it isn't good when I am missing the Springfield Extravaganza and The Back Woods Fest. I have been on the steroids for a week now. I am convinced it is a pinched nerve in the middle of my back. With having arthritis and degenerative discs in that area, it is concerning me. I have already had one back surgery and will avoid that til I can't stand it. Any suggestions out there. I am going on an exciting trip in a couple of weeks. I need to be better. I will post about that soon. I am so enjoying having two more grands to spoil these days. My house will always have ice cream as little Mabel associates it with coming here, hah. We go to soccer games on Saturday and flag football on Sundays. Yes, I won't miss these and they don't take a lot of effort. I did try to clean my house a tiny bit yesterday and that wasn't good.....that is how this back thing started. Ooops, I said I wasn't talking about that anymore. Other than a couple warmer days we have had beautiful weather. We keep missing all the rain everyone around us gets. Thank goodness it has stopped raining in Colorado The flooding was very near to where my daughter and her family live. Like....all around them. Seeing and hearing the towns that were flooding was very sad. I have been to all of these places. I know they will rebuild but where do you start. Also most of these people and places have no flood insurance. The fire that destroyed all of Sandy's rebuilding was hard to take as were the shootings in DC. Sometimes we have to just focus on the good things around us. We can pray and hope and support those that are hurting. Okay the sun is shining and the temps are perfect......so let's all have a beautiful day.
P.S. How could one not love a company with this as their background color.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Halloween/Fall Spoolie Swap
I signed up for Garage Sale Deb's Fall and Halloween Swap. My partner was Linda Djokic. I received my package so quickly. Mine went out a bit later. It was supposed to arrive to her on Friday but she didn't get it. But, she found it stuck in the back of her mail box. She sent me a picture of it in the mail box with the polka dot packing tape. We still have til Sept. 30th to mail. We are way ahead of schedule. So here is what Sweet Linda sent me. Isn't this owl the cutest. I have a thing about owls and recently signed up to sell Origami Owl. Won't this be cute as a display when I have a show. She also sent these chocolates, yum yum. They are gone already. Also she sent some vintage goodies and the cutest lace. We were supposed to send our spoolie, some candy, and something small crafty related. Not tons of other things. Just simple, like me. I like simple. I didn't mean I was simple. 
This is the spoolie that I sent. The spool is what the ghost is standing on. The ghost is just soft felt with a painted face wrapped around a wooden bead. I cut different fall papers for each side of the blocks and used Modge Podge. I distressed them with ink and added the stars the ceramic pumpkin and pom pom spider. Easy Peasy.
I added some fall party mix from my favorite candy store and a Stampin Up stamp set. This was a fun swap. Thanks Deb and Linda.
I know I haven't had a swap for awhile. I am thinking of a Thanksgiving Swap and I will host the Cup of Comfort Swap again for December.So stay tuned for details.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Country Living Fair - Columbus Ohio
I had hoped to tae pictures of the vendors. I left early on because I wasn't feeling well. Another ailment, this time my back. But I went to Urgent Care and resting today. I hope to return to the Fair tomorrow for just an hour or so. I hope to show you some neat things tomorrow.......if there is anything left. There was a lot of little vintage.....kinda junky things. Lots of jewelry , lots. Hopefully I just didn't see all the good stuff. The atmosphere was great like always. Love seeing some of the crazy clothes that people wear.
Monday, September 9, 2013
September 12th is our 43rd wedding anniversary. I was 19 and Mr. Cozy was 20. Our parents had to go with us when we got our marriage license. Here we are 43 years later. We have four adult children and 6 beautiful grandchildren. I feel very blessed. Happy Anniversary to Mr. Cozy. XO
My daughter in law took these pictures.....other than the first one, I didn't know she had taken them. So glad that she did.
My daughter in law took these pictures.....other than the first one, I didn't know she had taken them. So glad that she did.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Happy Labor Day
Just a little side note: We are having so much fun spending time with this sweetie and her family. So thankful that they live close by now.
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